To Bind - Porch - Silence




to bind (alam, aylam, ilame)
to twist together; to make a bundle, sheaf; mute, dumb, silent; muteness, silence, hush, dumbness; powerful, violent; terrorist; (biblical) porch, vestibule: room appended to the main structure; congregation: an assembly bound together in silence with mutual purpose.

Notaricon: a binding/a that inhibits/l freedom/m; concepts/a that provide direction/l to the people/m; explosions/a by evasive/l ambush/m.

Gematria, 71/au: to encircle the harvest.
Numerological Value, 26/wk: an evident link.
Temurah, lma/to be weak; mal/nation; alm/full.

See meeting place/mlwa; Elim/mlya; sheaf/hmla.




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