Gematria 71: au


Word Form: n ka   Value Definition: clear/u focus/a. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: truly; indeed, certainly, surely; even so; but, yet; to locate, be located.   Notaricon: concept/a with conspicuous/k prominence/n; focus/a with branching/k potentialities/n; focus/a that makes evident/k a display/n.
Word Form: lyla   Value Definition: overwhelming/u disorder/a. See <n35>.
Oral Tradition: vain; false, void; idol, false god.   Notaricon: concept/a that prevents/l attainment/y of maturity/l; disorder/a and reversals/l bring/y change/l.
Word Form: ylla   Value Definition: overwhelming/u contraction/a. See <n35>.
Oral Tradition: alas; woe to.   Notaricon: principle/a spurs/l a change/l in activities/y; disorder/a and reversals/l determine/l actions/y.
Word Form: mla   Value Definition: to encircle/u the harvest/a. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: to bind; to twist together; to make a bundle, sheaf; mute, dumb, silent; muteness, silence, hush, dumbness; powerful, violent; terrorist; (biblical) porch, vestibule: room appended to the main structure; congregation: an assembly bound together in silence with mutual purpose.   Notaricon: a binding/a that inhibits/l freedom/m; concepts/a that provide direction/l to the people/m; explosions/a by evasive/l ambush/m.
Word Form: lma   Value Definition: overwhelmed/u ego/a. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: to be weak; to fade, languish; unfortunate, unhappy.   Notaricon: the life force/a is dissipated/m or inhibited/l; an ego/a troubled/m and afflicted/l.
Word Form: kna   Value Definition: to ponder/u focus/a. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: plummet; plumb-bob, plumb-line; perpendicular, vertical; to straighten; a perpendicular; covered with lead, soldered; onyx.   Notaricon: focusinga weight/n that hangs down/k; a narrowing/a for multidirectional/n simplification/k; to heat/a with the purpose/n of covering/k.
Word Form: ua   Value Definition: to ponder/u a concept/a. See <n17>.
Oral Tradition: although.   Notaricon: an intervening/a understanding/u.
Word Form: mal   Value Definition: boundary/u of life force/a. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: nation; people, folk; (belonging) to/l a mother/ma.   Notaricon: the role/influence/l of seed/a among the people/m; the shepherding/l principle/a of nations/m.
Word Form: alm   Value Definition: overwhelming/u outward projection/a. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: to be completed; to be full; to fill; to overfow; to satisfy; to fill in/up; to stuff; complete, full, filled; abundant; drunk; to set/position a jewell; Millo; I shall be/a full/completed/abrupt/lm.   Notaricon: filling/m that tests/l the bursting point/a.
Word Form: akn   Value Definition: a boundary/u that binds/a. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: afflicted; to be banished, expelled; to be beaten; gloomy, depressed, dejected, melancholy, sad, grieved, beaten.   Notaricon: subsidance/n of productivity/k and vitality/a; a restrictive/n coersion/k vis a vis location/a; to display/betray/n one's upheaval/k through one's concepts/a.



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