Gematria 305: hc


Word Form: yrzuh vyba   Value Definition: wisdom/c without limit/h. See <n71>.
Oral Tradition: Abiezrite; my/y father/ba is of the/h helpers/yrzu.   Notaricon: concepts/a that develop/b the gift/y of understanding/u the purpose/z of mental/r activity/y.
Word Form: mr yn da   Value Definition: wisdom/c enlightens/h. See <n62>.
Oral Tradition: Adoniram; my/y lord/nda is high/mr.   Notaricon: force/a in the mishkan/tent/d whose purpose/n is to impart/y knowledge/r of the anointed/m; focused/a insight/sd unfold/n in acts/y that elevate/r many/m; powerful/a emotional/d display/n in response/y to an authoritative/r message/m.
Word Form: cda   Value Definition: wisdom/c separates/h. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: thresh; to be indifferent, disinterested; to neutralize.   Notaricon: a narrowing/a of the heart's/d passions/c; to limit/a access/d and utilization/c; grain/a access/d through shattering/c.
Word Form: dca   Value Definition: agitation/c and froth/h. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: rapids; waterfall, cascade, cataract.   Notaricon: a significant/a interference/c to access/d; a strong/forceful/a agitation/c of the heart/emotions/d.
Word Form: acd   Value Definition: wisdom/c shines forth/h. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: to sprout; to shoot forth; green grass, herbiage, herbs.   Notaricon: an opening/d for wisdom's/c seed/a.



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