Numerology Value 62: bs


Word Form: mr yn da   Value Definition: pillar/s of the house/b. See <g305>.
Reduction = 8/j/elation.
Oral Tradition: Adoniram; my/y lord/nda is high/mr.   Notaricon: force/a in the mishkan/tent/d whose purpose/n is to impart/y knowledge/r of the anointed/m; focused/a insight/sd unfold/n in acts/y that elevate/r many/m; powerful/a emotional/d display/n in response/y to an authoritative/r message/m.
Word Form: mun yja   Value Definition: supportive/s of development/b. See <g179>.
Reduction = 8/j/elation.
Oral Tradition: Ahinoam; my/y brother/ja is a delight/mun.   Notaricon: concepts/a arise/j to yield/y augmented/n understandings/u and liberties/m.
Word Form: rzoyja   Value Definition: support/s for the house/b. See <g296>.
Reduction = 8/j/agreement.
Oral Tradition: Ahiezer; my/y brother/ja help/rzo.   Notaricon: concepts/a arise/j to bring/y understanding/o of the words/z of knowledge/r; principles/a arise/j to activate/y the understanding/o concerning goals/z of knowledge/r; life force/a in agreement/j with actions/y, understandings/[, goals/z, and thoughts/r.
Word Form: ymr yja   Value Definition: reliance/s upon the flesh/b. See <g269>.
Reduction = 8/j/torso.
Oral Tradition: Ahiramites; my/y brother/ja is my/y height/supremacy/mr; my/y companion/ja is my/y pride/mr.   Notaricon: concepts/a arise/j that bring/y pride/r and preferential/m actions/y; concerted/a effort/j to achieve/y preeminence/r and unearned/m blessings/y.
Word Form: lyjcya   Value Definition: pillar/s of the house/b. See <g359>.
Reduction = 8/j/help.
Oral Tradition: brave man; able man; man/cya of power/lyj.   Notaricon: power/a and stamina/y that excites/c confederates/j while giving/y encouragement/l; person/a who lends/y strength/c to enhance/j the hand/y of a leader/l.
Word Form: ubcyla    Value Definition: responsible/s reception/b. See <g413>.
Reduction = 8/j/bonding.
Oral Tradition: Elisheba; my/y God/la satisfies/ubc; my/y God/la by oath/ubc.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l actions/y in wisdom/c that is paired/b with understancing/u.
Word Form: np xla   Value Definition: requires/s what's inside/b. See <g251>.
Reduction = 8/j/commitment.
Oral Tradition: Elzaphan; Elizaphan; God/la conceals/stores/treasures/np x; God/la lies in ambush/np x.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a spurs/l transformation/x of the soul/expressions/p of a son of man/n.
Word Form: myubra   Value Definition: fortified/s house/b. See <g323>.
Reduction = 8/j/commitment.
Oral Tradition: forty.   Notaricon: ability/a to regulate/r the flesh/b through attentiveness/u to the benefits/y of cleansing/m; the power/a of the mind/r to maintain/b concentration/u while making/y waves/m.
Word Form: ubc rab   Value Definition: reliance/s upon awareness/b. See <g575>.
Reduction = 8/j/betterment.
Oral Tradition: Beer-shebah; well/rab that satisfies/ubc, of plentitude/ubc.   Notaricon: household/b intent/a upon mastery/r of wisdom/c by developing/b awareness/u.
Word Form: twmar   Value Definition: towering/s repository/b. See <g647>.
Reduction = 8/j/ladder.
Oral Tradition: Ramoth.   Notaricon: a mountainous/r expanse/a that mirrors/m and embraces/w infinity/t; a mind/r expanded/a by an unfettered/m embrace/w of infinity/t.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
