Gematria 328: jkc


Word Form: bwf cya   Value Definition: wise/c and productive/k helpmate/j. See <n49>.
Oral Tradition: Ish-tob; good/bwf man/husband/cya.   Notaricon: person/a who provides/y wisdom/c in resolving/f contention/w within the house/b; principled focus/a brings/y wisdom/c to the community/f and/w household/b.
Word Form: kcj   Value Definition: injurious/c to fruitful/k labor/j. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: darkness; to darken, dim, fade; mean, contemptible; ignorant; cessation, intermission; to withhold, restrain, refrain; to spare, save; to deny; woe; dark, gloomy; obscurity.   Notaricon: a window/j eliminated/c or covered/k; distant/j from wisdom/c and productivity/k; an interval/j of deruption/c and upheaval/k; an effort/j to suppress/c or overthrow/k; perspective/j battered/c with disorder/k.
Word Form: cjk   Value Definition: spiritual/c inversion/k and descent/j. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: deny; to lie, deceive; to flatter, cozen; to decrease, diminish; reduced; to become thin, lean; leanness; lying, deceit, perfidy; liar; deceitful.   Notaricon: to distort/k the covenant/j of wisdom/c; a concave/k torso/j that is vulnerable/c; an evident/k stretching/j and widening/c.
Word Form: jkc   Value Definition: wisdom/c restructures/k perspective/j. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: oblivious; to forget; forgotten; forgetful, absent-minded; to forsake; to find.   Notaricon: a weakening/c evident/k in outlook/j; a disruptive/c overthrow/k of covenant/j.



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[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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