Numerology Value 40: m


Word Form: lyhyba    Value Definition: many waters/m. See <g58>.
Reduction = 4/d/gatekeeper.
Oral Tradition: Abihail.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b provides/y enlightenment/h by giving/y instruction/l; Principle/a develops/b acquired/y illumination/h to bring/y change/l; an expanded/a consciousness/b serving/y enlightened/h roles/l.
Word Form: whyn da   Value Definition: consecration/m. See <g76>.
Reduction = 4/d/perception.
Oral Tradition: Adonijah; the lord/nda is Yah/why.   Notaricon: force/a within the tent/d that asserts itself/n in all activities/y of life/h with balance/w; focused/a insight/d whose purpose/n is to achieve/y enlightened/h judgment/w; expansive/a emotions/heart/d unfolding/n as acts/y of discerning/h compassion/w.
Word Form: nrha    Value Definition: the anointed/m. See <g256>.
Reduction = 4/d/the perceiver.
Oral Tradition: Aaron; Aharon, Levitical High Priest.   Notaricon: concepts/a of enlightenment/h unto knowledge/r of the Creation/n; the expansive power/a of Light/h in authority/r over all displays/n; Life Force/a that illuminates/h the mind/r of the Son of Man/n.
Word Form: rmwa   Value Definition: relaxation/m. See <g247>.
Reduction = 4/d/insight.
Oral Tradition: Omar.   Notaricon: concepts/a weighed/w in reflective/m thought/r; meditation/a that brings equilibrium/w to the flow/m of thoughts/r; to focus/a and balance/w a troubled/m mind/r.
Word Form: r ypwa   Value Definition: refreshment/m. See <g297>.
Reduction = 4/d/insight.
Oral Tradition: Ophir.   Notaricon: principles/a yield/w expressions/p that bless/y the mind/r; concepts/a cradled/w in expressions/p that encourage/y thought/r.
Word Form: cwla   Value Definition: trouble/m. See <g337>.
Reduction = 4/d/obstruction.
Oral Tradition: Alush.   Notaricon: concepts/a that lead/l to judgmental/w conflict/c; disorder/a among elders/l intensifies/w contentions/c; focus/a promotes/l balance/w and strength/c; principle/a leads to/l equilibrium/w and wisdom/c.
Word Form: ddwmla   Value Definition: to befuddle/m. See <g85>.
Reduction = 4/d/obstruction.
Value Definition: expression/p evaporates/h. See <n40>.    Notaricon: focus/a that prevents/l reflection/m and/w obstructs/d insight/d.
Word Form: nmla   Value Definition: loss/m. See <g121>.
Reduction = 4/d/opportunity.
Oral Tradition: to widow; to bereave.   Notaricon: the diminishing/a reversal/l of the loss/m of a man/husband/n; disorder/a that leads/l to confusion/m and decline/n.
Word Form: lypa   Value Definition: illusory/m. See <g121>.
Reduction = 4/d/opportunity.
Oral Tradition: latter; late, late-ripening; unripe.   Notaricon: smaller/a fruits/p to reach/y maturity/l; concepts/a that manifest/p at the attainment/y of old age/l.
Word Form: qra   Value Definition: water/m. See <g301>.
Reduction = 4/d/heart.
Oral Tradition: earth; to ground.   Notaricon: a spark/a descends/r the shade tree/q; a concept/a descends/r the spinal column/q; area/a of the king's/r domain/q.
Word Form: ubca   Value Definition: cleansed/m. See <g373>.
Reduction = 4/d/opportunity.
Oral Tradition: Ashbea; I shall become/a complete/ubc.   Notaricon: a focused/a spirit/c builds/b understanding/u.
Word Form: hmca   Value Definition: cleansing/m. See <g346>.
Reduction = 4/d/opportunity.
Oral Tradition: guiltiness, fault; to offend, sin; sin offering.   Notaricon: disorder/a, disruption/c, confusion/m, scattering/h; to focus/a upon spiritual/c trouble/m with discernment/h.
Word Form: hansh   Value Definition: unrestricted/m. See <g121>.
Reduction = 4/d/impediment.
Oral Tradition: Hassenaah;the/h enemy/hater/hans.   Notaricon: an emphatic/h and bristling/s denial/n of the concepts/a of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: tyj   Value Definition: wisdom's attributes/m. See <g418>.
Reduction = 4/d/perception.
Oral Tradition: chet; eighth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: ladder/j by which to achieve/y regeneration/renewal/t; labors/j of the hand/y that bring change/alterations/t; perspective/j that provides/y a measurement/t.
Word Form: ytj   Value Definition: trouble/m. See <g418>.
Reduction = 4/d/secrects.
Oral Tradition: Hittite; Hittites.   Notaricon: to be engaged/j in destuctive/t activitiesy; a conspiracy/j marked/t by thievery/y; an agreement/labor/service/j that alters/t the ego/self/y.
Word Form: tjy   Value Definition: anointing/m. See <g418>.
Reduction = 4/d/the perceiver.
Oral Tradition: Jahath.   Notaricon: to provide/y the means/j for a rendezvous/meeting/t; the blessings/y of covenant/j will be/t; to grasp/y the ladder/j leading to renewal/t.
Word Form: nuy   Value Definition: reflection/m. See <g130>.
Reduction = 4/d/insight.
Oral Tradition: ostrich; because of; for that reason; since.   Notaricon: a manifestation/y that conceals/u its potential/n; an action/y with transparent/u purpose/n.
Word Form: kcj   Value Definition: confusion/m. See <g328>.
Reduction = 4/d/impediment.
Oral Tradition: darkness; to darken, dim, fade; mean, contemptible; ignorant; cessation, intermission; to withhold, restrain, refrain; to spare, save; to deny; woe; dark, gloomy; obscurity.   Notaricon: a window/j eliminated/c or covered/k; distant/j from wisdom/c and productivity/k; an interval/j of deruption/c and upheaval/k; an effort/j to suppress/c or overthrow/k; perspective/j battered/c with disorder/k.
Word Form: cjk   Value Definition: trouble/m. See <g328>.
Reduction = 4/d/obstruction.
Oral Tradition: deny; to lie, deceive; to flatter, cozen; to decrease, diminish; reduced; to become thin, lean; leanness; lying, deceit, perfidy; liar; deceitful.   Notaricon: to distort/k the covenant/j of wisdom/c; a concave/k torso/j that is vulnerable/c; an evident/k stretching/j and widening/c.
Word Form: rwam   Value Definition: anointed/m. See <g247>.
Reduction = 4/d/access.
Oral Tradition: brightness; light, lighting, illumination; luminary; releasing/m light/rwa; exhaust; flue; aired, ventilated (letting in light).   Notaricon: the flow/m of principle/a bonds/w with thought/r; release/m of the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w knowledge/r; unfettered/m emanation/a that sustains/w the mind/r.
Word Form: hcn   Value Definition: release/m. See <g355>.
Reduction = 4/d/opportunity.
Oral Tradition: forget; to forsake, abandon; to neglect; to be removed, shifted; to be exhausted, weakened; to feminize; to claim debt; to offer a loan.   Notaricon: desire/n and spirit/c diffused/h; a purposeful/n weakening/widening/c of collections/disbursals/h; desire/n for variety/c in life/h; feminine/n enticements/c highlighted/h.
Word Form: n yu   Value Definition: reflection/m. See <g130>.
Reduction = 4/d/the perceiver.
Oral Tradition: Ain; eye, sight; face, look, appearance; aperture; bud; loop, hole; sparkle, gleam; spring, fountain; to conisder, think over, weigh, reflect, study, meditate, ponder; the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: vision/u achieves/y its potential/n; a spring/u that serves/y its purpose/n; an embryo/u that actualizes/y its potential/n; to comprehend/u the blessings/y of potentiality/n; a hole/u that serves/y its purpose/n.
Word Form: ynu   Value Definition: trouble/m. See <g130>.
Reduction = 4/d/obstruction.
Oral Tradition: Unni; misery, poverty, privation, trouble; suffering, oppression.   Notaricon: a comprehensive/u reversal/n of acquisitions/y; an overwhelming/u reversal/n of achievements/y; hostility/u displayed/n in actions/y
Word Form: arq   Value Definition: oil/m. See <g301>.
Reduction = 4/d/observation.
Oral Tradition: to read; to proclaim, pronounce, preach; to call by name; to study, recite; to summon, invite, assemble, convene; to implore; to happen, occur; pumpkin, squash, gourd; biblical scholar.   Notaricon: a blossoming/q knowledge/r of principle/a; to confer/confirm/q a mental/r focus/a; a hidden/q head/r that grows/a; the spinal column/q and shoulders/r tense up/a.
Word Form: jkc   Value Definition: to lose/m. See <g328>.
Reduction = 4/d/opportunity.
Oral Tradition: oblivious; to forget; forgotten; forgetful, absent-minded; to forsake; to find.   Notaricon: a weakening/c evident/k in outlook/j; a disruptive/c overthrow/k of covenant/j.
Word Form: hnc   Value Definition: the flow/m. See <g355>.
Reduction = 4/d/opportunity.
Oral Tradition: year; to repeat, reiterate; to revise; to recur; repeated; to study, learn; to teach, inculcate; to change, alter; to be different; sleep, sleeping, slumber.   Notaricon: a repeated/c configuration/n of lights/h; strong/c desire/n for enlightenment/h; to vary/c a display/n as indicated/h; a dreaming/c determination/n in life/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
