Gematria 107: zq


Word Form: nnwa   Value Definition: protective/q warrior/z; dark/q instrument/z. See <n35>.
Oral Tradition: Onan; strong, able-bodied; stout, vigorous; luminous, bright; mourner; masturbator; to display/n strength/potency/sorrow/nwa.   Notaricon: to expel/a what is garnered/w from potentiality/n to its fullest extension/n; the life force/a poured out/w to the reversal/n of potential/n; concepts/a drained/w of purpose/n due to degeneration/n; fervent/a adoration/w of the man's/n purpose/n.
Word Form: nwna   Value Definition: shadows/q and wounds/z. See <n35>.
Oral Tradition: sad; gloomy, doleful, mournful.   Notaricon: a focused/a pessimism/n linked/w with exhaustion/n; a contrite/a display/n of yearning/w desire/n.
Word Form: wqa   Value Definition: consecrated/q warrior/z. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: wild goat; roebuck, ibix.   Notaricon: an individual/a whose skull/q is horned/w; the ability/a to evade/q judgment/w; ability/a to alight upon/q the compromise/w.



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