Gematria 156: wkq


Word Form: duwm lha   Value Definition: domain/dwelling/q of perfect/n unity/w. See <n57>.
Oral Tradition: tent of meeting; tent/lha appointed/duwm.   Notaricon: Principle/a enlightening/h and guiding/l peoples/soul waters/m united/w in understanding/u and outlook/d; the emanation/a of Light/h that guides/l the multitudes/m in evaluations/w, discenment/u, and perceptions/d.
Word Form: hqna   Value Definition: dark/q display/n of passion/w. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: groan; cry, moan.   Notaricon: the ego's/a display/n of dark/q isolation/h.
Word Form: hupa   Value Definition: a hooded/q serpent/n with fangs/w. See <n39>.
Oral Tradition: viper; adder, asp, baselisk, rattlesnake.   Notaricon: a startling/a hiss/p that overwhelms/u instantaneously/h.
Word Form: hanq   Value Definition: dark/q display/n of passion/w. See <n39>.
 Oral Tradition: envy; jealousy; fanaticism, obsession; rancour, resentment, ill-feeling; zeal, ardor; anger; passion.   Notaricon: darkness/q predominates/n focus/a and discernment/h; consecrated/q determination/n and focus/a in life/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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