Gematria 204: dr


Word Form: rga   Value Definition: axe/r at the gates/d. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: to harvest; gather, collect, accumulate, amass, stockpile, hoard.   Notaricon: grain/a carried/g to the ruler/r; a concept/a vocalized/g with authority/r; the extensive/a deposits/g of a king/r; grain/a felled/g by a scythe/r.
Word Form: gra   Value Definition: to master/r opportunity/d. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: to weave; woven material, fabric, cloth, textile; web; texture; weaver's shuttle.   Notaricon: intwined/a for beauty/r and usefulness/g; to exercise/a influence/r over a process/procedure/g.
Word Form: arab   Value Definition: mental/r insight/d. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: Beera; I shall become/a a cistern/rab.   Notaricon: to develop/b and expand/a the mind's/r focus/a.
Word Form: arg   Value Definition: a king's/r opportunities/d. See <n24>.
Oral Tradition: Gera; grain/hrg; I shall become/a a stranger/rg.   Notaricon: seed/a that shall rule/r the house/b; the ability/a of the mind/r to interiorize/b; power structure/a upon which a king/r builds/b.
Word Form: q ydx    Value Definition: honor/r in the tent/d. See <n51>.
Oral Tradition: right; righteous, just, innocent, honest; upright, pious, God-fearing; a saint; correct, acquitted; the eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: an innocent/x heart/d attains/y sanctification/q; the transforming/x perceptions/d that manifest/y holiness/q.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
