Numerology Value 24: dk


Word Form: swbaWord Form: whyba    Value Definition: fodder/k pathway/d. See <g69>.
Reduction = 6/w/feeding.
Oral Tradition: feeding trough; manger, stall, crib; fattened.   Notaricon: seed/a container/b that dispenses/w sustenance/s; concept/a interiorization/b for balance/w and support/s; principle's/a forms/b locked/w in a shelter/s.
Word Form: whyba    Value Definition: joyful/k insights/d. See <g24>.
Reduction = 2/b/creator.
Oral Tradition: Abiah, Abijah; Father/ba is our/w Yah/hy: our Giver/y of Life/h.   Notaricon: force/a that builds/b the manifestation/y of life/h with equity/w; the Living Principle/a within/b that gives/y enlightenment/h and balance/w; the Unity/a that formulates/b the gifts/y of discrimination/h and judgment/w; concepts/a developed/b by acquisition/y of elightened/h evaluations/w.
Word Form: rga    Value Definition: fruitfulness/k at the gates/d. See <g204>.
Reduction = 2/b/gathering.
Oral Tradition: to harvest; gather, collect, accumulate, amass, stockpile, hoard.   Notaricon: grain/a carried/g to the ruler/r; a concept/a vocalized/g with authority/r; the extensive/a deposits/g of a king/r; grain/a felled/g by a scythe/r.
Word Form: mwda    Value Definition: tribal/k gateway/d. See <g51>.
Reduction =
6/w/the outpouring.
Oral Tradition: Edom; Edomites; Idumea; red.   Notaricon: primary/a gateway/d that administers/w release/m; to be projected/a through the vaginal opening/d in an outpouring/w of waters/m; the life force/a path/d to judgment/mercy/w for multitudes/m.
Word Form: yzwa   Value Definition: offspring/k of opportunity/d. See <g24>.
Reduction = 2/b/developments.
Oral Tradition: Uzai; underlying dynamics.   Notaricon: the force/a and/w thrust/z within an activity/y.
Word Form: hyja   Value Definition: productive/k insights/d. See <g24>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: Ahiah, Ahijah; brother/companion/ja of Yah/hy.   Notaricon: life force/a in agreement/j with the gifts/y of enlightenment/h; a strong/a helping/j hand/y in life/h; the Power/a behind covenant/j bestows/y light/h.
Word Form: hmya    Value Definition: upheaval/k in the gates/d. See <g51>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: threaten; to menace, frighten, intimidate; terrible, dreadful, fomidable, frightening.   Notaricon: to force/a the hand/y of the people/m; a forceful/a act/manifestation/y that disturbs/troubles/m.
Word Form: hwla   Value Definition: reaper/k of hearts/d. See <g42>.
Reduction = 6/w/judge.
Oral Tradition: God; god, diety.   Notaricon: Principle/a that orders/l and/w enlightens/h; the Power/a that goads/l and/w winnows/h; Principle/a guides/l and/w refines/h; a force/a that controls/l and/w captures/h.
Word Form: lka    Value Definition: productive/k gateway/d. See <g51>.
Reduction = 6/w/the funneling.
Oral Tradition: Ucal; to eat, consume; to devour, ingest; to take away; a meal; the eating process; to partake of.   Notaricon: concepts/a branching forth/k as guidance/l; the strength/a from fruitful/k instruction/l; principles/a made evident/k by an elder/l.
Word Form: kla    Value Definition: branching/k of perceptions/d. See <g51>.
Reduction = 6/w/bonds.
Oral Tradition: these; those; those/la of your's/k.   Notaricon: base/a points/l towards branchings/k; strength/a redirected/l to an offspring/k.
Word Form: yma   Value Definition: tribal/k dwellers/d. See <g51>.
Reduction = 6/w/yoked.
Oral Tradition: Ami; my/y mother/people/ma.   Notaricon: source/a of multitudinous/m blessings/y.
Word Form: w pa   Value Definition: branch/k perceived/d. See <g87>.
Reduction = 6/w/consideration.
Oral Tradition: now; then; here; where.   Notaricon: a focus/a upon the area/p under consideration/w; a specific/a region/time frame/p fixed upon/specified/w.
Word Form: gra   Value Definition: upheavals/k and obstacles/d. See <g204>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorizations.
Oral Tradition: to weave; woven material, fabric, cloth, textile; web; texture; weaver's shuttle.   Notaricon: intwined/a for beauty/r and usefulness/g; to exercise/a influence/r over a process/procedure/g.
Word Form: ata   Value Definition: evident/k opportunity/d. See <g402>.
Reduction = 2/b/pairing.
Oral Tradition: to arrive; to come upon; to occur, happen.   Notaricon: a person/a measured/t in isolation/a; to focus/a upon a measurement/t of energy/a.
Word Form: arab   Value Definition: reaps/k opportunity/d. See <g303>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: Beera; I shall become/a a cistern/rab.   Notaricon: to develop/b and expand/a the mind's/r focus/a.
Word Form: cab   Value Definition: the perversity/k of the burial vault/d. See <g303>.
Reduction = 2/b/the flesh.
Oral Tradition: to stink, to have a bad smell; to grow foul, rot, putrefy; stench, stink.   Notaricon: flesh/form/b dimished/a by death/c.
Word Form: ylb   Value Definition: extensive/k doorways/d. See <g42>.
Reduction = 6/w/divergence.
Oral Tradition: without; excluding; limitless, endless, illimitable, infinite; except for; wearing out, decay; destruction, annihilation; my/y Bel/lord/lb.   Notaricon: a household/b that prevents/l management/assistance/y; house/b guided/l by blessings/y.
Word Form: tb   Value Definition: fruitful/k tent/d. See <g402>.
Reduction = 2/b/house.
Oral Tradition: daughter; girl, maiden; bath (liquid measure); branch, village, town, hamlet; at once, simultaneously.   Notaricon: house/b of the future/t; capacity for inward/b renewal/regeneration/t; a house/b that endures/t; an interior/b measurement/t.
Word Form: arg   Value Definition: celebration/k in the tents/d. See <g204>.
Reduction = 2/b/agreement.
Oral Tradition: Gera; grain/hrg; I shall become/a a stranger/rg.   Notaricon: seed/a that shall rule/r the house/b; the ability/a of the mind/r to interiorize/b; power structure/a upon which a king/r builds/b.
Word Form: lby   Value Definition: a branching/k avenue/d. See <g42>.
Reduction = 6/wan outpouring.
Oral Tradition: bring; to carry, transport, convey, haul; to lead, conduct; to weed; stream, river.   Notaricon: the hand/y accepts/b its role/l; the blessings/y associated/b with a courseway/l.
Word Form: alk   Value Definition: evident/k doorway/d. See <g51>.
Reduction = 6/w/fastening.
Oral Tradition: imprison; incarcerate, arrest, detain; to shut, close; to restrain, confine, withhold, enclose; to cross, crossbreed; jail, penitentiary, prison, confinement.   Notaricon: productivity/k restrained/l and reduced/a; evident/k change/l of concepts/a.
Word Form: ybl   Value Definition: productive/k tents/d. See <g42>.
Reduction = 6/w/eager acceptance.
Oral Tradition: Lubim; Libyans.   Notaricon: an ancient/l house/b of action/activity/y; the role/l of formulating/b and implementing/y.
Word Form: awp    Value Definition: branch/k perceived/d. See <g87>.
Reduction = 6/w/consideration.
Oral Tradition: here; this place; hence.   Notaricon: the area/p held/w in focus/a; the region/p fixed upon/w specifically/a.
Word Form: bac   Value Definition: the perversity/k of the burial vault/d. See <g303>.
Reduction = 2/b/the flesh.
Oral Tradition: to draw water, to bail up water from a well.   Notaricon: to disrupt/c a location/a for what's inside/b; to assimilate/c concepts/a by listening/b.
Word Form: abc   Value Definition: reaps/k opportunity/d. See <g303>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorizes.
Oral Tradition: Sheba; the Sabeans.   Notaricon: wisdom's/c formulation/b of seed/a; to stimulate/c awareness/b of principle/a.



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