Gematria 221: akr


Word Form: rka   Value Definition: overseer/r of the harvest/k of grain/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: farmer, peasant, yeoman; to settle land.   Notaricon: a person/a with evident/k devotion/r; the focus/a on productivity/k of an overseer/r; seed/a harvested/k with reverence/r; to locate/a with conspicuous/k domination/r.
Word Form: ydwra   Value Definition: ruled/r by turbulent/k concepts/a. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: Arvadite, Arodites; vagabonds.   Notaricon: focus/inspiration/a happens/r in conjunction with/w the opportunities/d that present themselves/y.
Word Form: kra   Value Definition: individual/r of conspicuous/k power/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: Erech; long; length, duration; longitude; to last long, be long; to continue; to last, endure; to be protracted.   Notaricon: principle/a rises above/r disorder/k; to focus/a thought/r via simplification/k; to expand/a thought/r through complication/k.
Word Form: ark   Value Definition: a mind/r in conspicuous/k introspection/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: grieved.   Notaricon: I shall be/a bored open/hrk; I shall be/a a battering ram/rk.



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