Numerology Value 32: bl


Word Form: mlwa   Value Definition: instruction/l chamber/b. See <g77>.
Reduction = 5/h/the threshing floor.
Oral Tradition: Ulam; meeting place; hall, parlor, vestibule; antechamber; but, however, yet, nevertheless.   Notaricon: an expanse/a that unifies/w roles/l of the people/m; a life force/a of unity/w for the guidance/l of multitudes/m; concepts/a merging as one/w to provide direction/l unto fullness/m; a focusing/a conjunction/w that redirects/l the message's flow/m.
Word Form: hrwa   Value Definition: encourages/l development/b. See <g212>.
Reduction = 5/h/illumination.
Oral Tradition: light; happiness.   Notaricon: principle/a bonds/w with thought/r as enlightenment/h; the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w knowledge/r unto enlightenment/h; an expansion/a that upholds/w the mind/r in light/h.
Word Form: ynza   Value Definition: to point/direct/l the ears/hearing/b. See <g68>.
Reduction = 5/h/discrimination.
Oral Tradition: Ozni; Oznites; my/y hearing/nza; my/y balance/nza.   Notaricon: the power/a of words/z augmented/n with action/y.
Word Form: lbzya   Value Definition: scourge/l upon the house/b. See <g50>.
Reduction = 5/h/exacerbating.
Oral Tradition: Jezebel; Isabella; isolated, chaste, sterile; island/ya dwelling/lbz.   Notaricon: an enlarged/a ego/y that suffuses/z a household/b with affliction/l; the ability/a to manipulate/y the goals/z of a house/b of instruction/l; focused/a intervention/y antagonistic/z to the reception/b of instruction/l.
Word Form: cya     Value Definition: guide/l within the house/b. See <g311>.
Reduction = 5/h/illuminator.
Oral Tradition: man; husband.   Notaricon: the life force/a manifested/y as divine fire/c; emanation/a that manifests/y wisdom/c; the principle/a activated/y by Wisdom/c; seed/a fashioned/y in fire/c.
Word Form: rka   Value Definition: maturity/l in the house/b. See <g221>.
Reduction = 5/h/light.
Oral Tradition: farmer, peasant, yeoman; to settle land.   Notaricon: a person/a with evident/k devotion/r; the focus/a on productivity/k of an overseer/r; seed/a harvested/k with reverence/r; to locate/a with conspicuous/k domination/r.
Word Form: xma   Value Definition: maturity/l in the house/b. See <g131>.
Reduction = 5/h/notereity.
Oral Tradition: to be strong, vigorous, valiant, bold; to strengthen, encourage; courage, bravery, boldness, fortitude, vigor; gallantry; to strain, perform with difficulty; to adopt, be adopted.   Notaricon: power/a to liberate/m and transform/x; diminishment/a troublesome/m to transformation/x; a person/a selected/m for transformation/x.
Word Form: pna   Value Definition: affliction/l of soul/b. See <g131>.
Reduction = 5/h/heat.
Oral Tradition: anger; wrath, ire; to be angry; (biblical) face, visage.   Notaricon: forceful/a movement/n within the face/p; an explosive/a display/n and/or expression/p; the outward projection/a of a person's/n personality/p.
Word Form: npa   Value Definition: prevents/l inertia/b. See <g131>.
Reduction = 5/h/diffusion.
Oral Tradition: spin; to rotate, revolve, wheel; mode, manner, fashion, way.   Notaricon: (centrifugal) force/a allows/p movement/n; the principle/a that permits/p tumbling/n; a focus/a upon manner/style/p in an exchange/n.
Word Form: hwra   Value Definition: shepherd's/l house/b. See <g212>.
Reduction = 5/h/rows.
Oral Tradition: crib; stable, stall, manger; team of horses; contracted form of the modern hwrwa.   Notaricon: a restricted space/a that elevates/r and/w separates/h; a life force/a of beauty/r and/w lightning/h; principle/a bonds/w with thought/r to sustain/w enlightenment/h.
Word Form: m xa   Value Definition: influence/l in the house/b. See <g131>.
Reduction = 5/h/differentiated.
Oral Tradition: Ozem, strong.   Notaricon: ability/a to uplift/transform/x multitudes/m; power/a to suppress/x the people/m.
Word Form: jdqa   Value Definition: rod/l receptacle/b. See <g113>.
Reduction = 5/h/light.
Oral Tradition: carbuncle; flintstone: I shall/a kindle/jdq.   Notaricon: to ignite/a a domain/q through insight/d and perception/j; a spark/a brings smoke/q to the tent/d for work/j.
Word Form: kra   Value Definition: discipline/l of the flesh/b. See <g221>.
Reduction = 5/h/separation.
Oral Tradition: Erech; long; length, duration; longitude; to last long, be long; to continue; to last, endure; to be protracted.   Notaricon: principle/a rises above/r disorder/k; to focus/a thought/r via simplification/k; to expand/a thought/r through complication/k.
Word Form: nmh   Value Definition: indicative/l of superficiality/b. See <g95>.
Reduction = 5/h/highlighted.
Oral Tradition: Haman; to popularize, be popular; favoritism.   Notaricon: to be separated/h from the multitudes/m by prominence/n; isolation/h reflective/m of prominence/n; discrediting/h favoritism/m is displayed/n.
Word Form: mnh   Value Definition: urge/l to couple/b. See <g95>.
Reduction = 5/h/heat.
Oral Tradition: Hinnom.   Notaricon: life/h predominated/n by recklessness/m; emphatic/h determination/n for unrestricted freedom/m.
Word Form: cay    Value Definition: rod/l upon the house/b. See <g311>.
Reduction = 5/h/winnowing.
Oral Tradition: to despair; to cause despair; to be without hope, hopeless.   Notaricon: an action/y that reduces/a strength/c; to manifest/y a diminished/a inward fire/c; to apply/y the thorn/a in order to disturb/c.
Word Form: ark   Value Definition: a punishing/l awareness/b. See <g221>.
Reduction = 5/h/weeping.
Oral Tradition: grieved.   Notaricon: I shall be/a bored open/hrk; I shall be/a a battering ram/rk.
Word Form: mwal   Value Definition: altered/l consciousness/b; an elder's/l household/b. See <g77>.
Reduction = 5/h/diffused; gathered.
Oral Tradition: weariness; fatigue, exhaustion; (biblical) nation, people: belonging to/l the mother/ma.   Notaricon: a change/l in strength/a and vitality/w from an emptying/m; the role/l of seed/a in the bonding/w of people/m.
Word Form: lawm    Value Definition: prompting/l physicality/b. See <g77>.
Reduction = 5/h/heat.
Oral Tradition: intense desire; sudden and overpowering lust.   Notaricon: to release/m overwhelming/w energy/a in a specified direction/l; an emotional outpouring/m that drains/w the seed/a from the rod/l.
Word Form: awlm   Value Definition: proof/l of holding capacity/b. See <g77>.
Reduction = 5/h/collection.
Oral Tradition: fullnes; plenty, plentitude, amplitude; full capacity; fill, filling, packing, stuffing; rampart, fort, fortress, citadel.   Notaricon: fullness/m prompts/requires/l either a suspension/w or an expansion/a; the nation's/m defensive/l cradle/w of power/a.
Word Form: hnm    Value Definition: mature/l pairing/b. See <g95>.
Reduction = 5/h/separation/differentiation.
Oral Tradition: to number; to count, reckon, enumerate; portion, ration, share, dose; present; derivative; quotient; to appoint, ordain; to allot, assign; coin valued at 100 zuzim.   Notaricon: a drawing out/m of a person's/n life/h; selectivity/m displayed/n in distribution/separation/h.
Word Form: a xm   Value Definition: roles/l of pairing/b. See <g131>.
Reduction = 5/h/gathering.
Oral Tradition: to find; to discover, find out; to guess; to reach, overtake, catch; to come upon; to reveal; to meet, encounter; to happen, befall; to be sufficient.   Notaricon: swift/m pursuit/x and location/a; fully/m acceptable/x decision/a.
Word Form: mhn   Value Definition: accusative/l awareness/b. See <g95>.
Reduction = 5/h/heat.
Oral Tradition: roar; growl.   Notaricon: purposeful/n and emphatic/h catharsis/m.
Word Form: ydx    Value Definition: defensive/l formulations/b. See <g104>.
Reduction = 5/h/discernment.
Oral Tradition: side; lateral; my/y side/adversary/dx; eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: a lateral/sideways/other-directed/x perception/d of acts/y.
Word Form: dyx    Value Definition: schooled/l in the flesh/b. See <g104>.
Reduction = 5/h/gathering.
Oral Tradition: hunter; to equip, furnish, provide, supply, outfit; the hunt, chase; hunting; game; venison, food, provision.   Notaricon: a hunter's/x acquisitions/y and opportunities/d; the intent/x to provide/y pervades/d.
Word Form: am x   Value Definition: urge/l for intake/b. See <g131>.
Reduction = 5/h/exacerbation.
Oral Tradition: thirst; thirstiness; to thirst, be dry, parched, thirsty.   Notaricon: to pursue/x water/fluids/m with intensity/a; hunger/x reflected/m in concepts/a.
Word Form: hwar   Value Definition: the role/l of receptivity/b. See <g212>.
Reduction = 5/h/highlighted.
Oral Tradition: sight; seeing; exhibition, show; expanded form of har/behold.   Notaricon: to regard/r a concept/a with deliberative/w discernment/h; commanding/r focus/a by being fixed/w in the spotlight/h.
Word Form: ayc    Value Definition: an orchestrated/l development/b. See <g311>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: height; apex, summit; climax; peak, crest, acme; pinnacle; record; maximum.   Notaricon: to apply/c the hand/y to the central point/a; wisdom/c manifested/y in concepts/a; strength/c acquires/y power/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
