Gematria 95: h x


Word Form: mymda    Value Definition: transforming/x light/h. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: Adummim; mist/da of water/mym.   Notaricon: expansive/a insights/d replete/m with blessed/y messages/m; a wide/expansive/a avenue/d flowing/m with the gifts/y of water/m; principled/a insights/d freely/m bestowed/y upon the anointed/m.
Word Form: nmh   Value Definition: pursuit/x of the spotlight/h. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: Haman; to popularize, be popular; favoritism.   Notaricon: to be separated/h from the multitudes/m by prominence/n; isolation/h reflective/m of prominence/n; discrediting/h favoritism/m is displayed/n.
Word Form: mnh   Value Definition: pursuit/x of liveliness/h. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: Hinnom.   Notaricon: life/h predominated/n by recklessness/m; emphatic/h determination/n for unrestricted freedom/m.
Word Form: hnm    Value Definition: righteous/x separation/h. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: to number; to count, reckon, enumerate; portion, ration, share, dose; present; derivative; quotient; to appoint, ordain; to allot, assign; coin valued at 100 zuzim.   Notaricon: a drawing out/m of a person's/n life/h; selectivity/m displayed/n in distribution/separation/h.
Word Form: mhn   Value Definition: aggressive/x heat/h. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: roar; growl.   Notaricon: purposeful/n and emphatic/h catharsis/m.



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