Numerology Value 19: fy


Word Form: ywba    Value Definition: the hand/y in the basket/f. See [g19].
Reduction = 1/a/contraction.
Aramaic Definitions: woe, alas; want; expression of sorrow.   Notaricon: concepts/a interiorized/b for the evaluation/w of actions/y; a constricted/a consciousness/b yoked/w with an activity/performance/y; the seed/a of the body/b poured/w into the hand/y; a diminished/a household/b clasps/w hands/y.
Word Form: nda    Value Definition: the hand/y in the basket/f. See [g55].
Reduction = 1/a/power.
Aramaic Definitions: Addan, foundation, base, pedestal, socket; lord.   Notaricon: primary/a portal/d for potentiality/n; the base/a that facilitates/d a display/n; a force/a within the tent/d that asserts itself in many directions/n.
Word Form: b ywa   Value Definition: my/y target/f. See [g19].
Reduction = 1/a/heat.
Aramaic Definitions: enemy, foe, adversary, hostile; hater.   Notaricon: an intense/a relationship/w that deplenishes/y the soul/b.
Word Form: lwa    Value Definition: ability/y to resolve/f. See [g37].
Reduction = 1/a/principled.
Oral Tradition: strength.   Notaricon: a strong/a and vital/w elder/l; the life force/a embraces/w maturity/l; the principled/a judgment/w of the aged/l.
Word Form: dwja    Value Definition: gift/y of communion/f. See [g19].
Reduction = 1/a/unity.
Oral Tradition: Ehud; unity, union.   Notaricon: the principles/a of Covenant/j yoked/w with insight/d; the energies/a of one's labor/j bonded/w with one's path/d; the life force/a in agreement/j with evaluations/w and perceptions/d.
Word Form: yja   Value Definition: the blessing/y of community/f. See [g19].
Reduction = 1/a/power.
Oral Tradition: Ahi, Ehi; my/y brother/companion/ja.   Notaricon: strength/a of a helping/j hand/y; the power/a of shared/j blessings/y; life force/a in agreement/j with actions/y.
Word Form: bwya   Value Definition: my/y imprisonment/f. See [g19].
Reduction = 1/a/restriction.
Oral Tradition: Job; hated, persecuted.   Notaricon: a forceful/a hand/y of judgment/w upon the house/body/b; ability/a to relinquish/y attachment/w to superficialities/b while under strong/a temptation/y to worship/w form/b.
Word Form: wla   Value Definition: pointing/y to a target/f. See [g37].
Reduction = 1/a/focus.
Oral Tradition: behold; these, those; if, but.   Notaricon: focus/a directed/l towards worship/w; focus/a directed/l to relationships/w; concept/a corrected/l with equivocation/w.
Word Form: hma   Value Definition: gift/y that resolves/f. See [g46].
Reduction = 1/a/focus.
Oral Tradition: maidservant; servingmaid; cubit, ell; forearm; foundation; middle finger; penis; natrix.   Notaricon: inward force/a that cleanses/m and separates/h; the foundational base/a in which coils/m all proliferations/h; a concept/a that reflects/m discernment/h.
Word Form: lbh     Value Definition: active/y resolution/f. See [g37].
Reduction = 1/a/expansion.
Oral Tradition: Abel; vanity, emptiness; steam, vapor, breath; idol; to behave foolishly, act sinfully.   Notaricon: a sifting/h of the consciousness/b unto change/l; enlightenment/h via the inward/b teacher/l; a winnowing/h for the acceptance/b of instruction/l; to emphasize/h the form/b of instruction/l.
Word Form: bawy   Value Definition: reaches/y the target/f. See [g19].
Reduction = 1/a/focused.
Oral Tradition: Joab; the Bestower/y of Judgment/Mercy/w is (my) father/ba.   Notaricon: agent/y for justice/w in a powerful/a house/b.; a blessed/fortuitous/y union/w of principlea and form/b.
Word Form: awl    Value Definition: pointing/y to a target/f. See [g19].
Reduction = 1/a/triangulation.
Oral Tradition: oh that; would that, if only; a conditional negation.   Notaricon: corrective/l conjunction/w principle/a.
Word Form: dan    Value Definition: ability/y to collect/f. See [g55].
Reduction = 1/a/going inward.
Aramaic Definitions: bottle, leather bag; goat skin, water skin.   Notaricon: purpose/n of inward/a satisfaction/d; a device/n conceived/a around its opening/d; display/n of principled/a insight/d.
Word Form: a x    Value Definition: to abandon/y restraint/f. See [g91].
Reduction = 1/a/explosion.
Oral Tradition: fouled; soiled, filthy; go, get out.   Notaricon: a devastating/x diminishment/a; an issuing/x that humiliates/a; turn/x forcefully/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
