Gematria 37: zl


Word Form: lwa   Value Definition: teacher/l of law/z. See <n19>.
Oral Tradition: strength.   Notaricon: a strong/a and vital/w elder/l; the life force/a embraces/w maturity/l; the principled/a judgment/w of the aged/l.
Word Form: whyzja   Value Definition: guide/l to shabbat/peace/z. See <n37>.
Oral Tradition: Ahaziah; the possession/zja of Yah/why.   Notaricon: the power/a to serve/j perfectly/z through acts/y of enlightened/h mercy/w; the life force/a in agreement/j with the perfect/z blessings/y of life/h with equity/w; the forceful/a efforts/j of the warrior's/z hand/y is restrained/h and balanced/w.
Word Form: wla   Value Definition: directed/l thrust/z. See <n19>.
Oral Tradition: behold; these, those; if, but.   Notaricon: focus/a directed/l towards worship/w; focus/a directed/l to relationships/w; concept/a corrected/l with equivocation/w.
Word Form: lbh    Value Definition: change/l of momentum/z. See <n19>.
Oral Tradition: Abel; vanity, emptiness; steam, vapor, breath; idol; to behave foolishly, act sinfully.   Notaricon: a sifting/h of the consciousness/b unto change/l; enlightenment/h via the inward/b teacher/l; a winnowing/h for the acceptance/b of instruction/l; to emphasize/h the form/b of instruction/l.
Word Form: awl    Value Definition: argument/l arrow/z. See <n19>.
Oral Tradition: oh that; would that, if only; a conditional negation.   Notaricon: corrective/l conjunction/w principle/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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