Numerology Value 29: fk

Word Form: atgba 
Oral Tradition: Abagtha; I shall/a press/importune/tg father/ba; the Father/ba enables/g a specific/t perception/a.
Value Definition: tumult/k resolution/f. See <g407>.
Reduction = 2/b/consideration.
Notaricon: an individual/a implements/b an inclination/g to petition/t the Life Force/a; the Life Force/a within/b transmits/g specific/t concepts/a that focus/a on the soul's/b birth processes/g, measuring/t growth/a.

Word Form: n yda     Value Definition: to extend/k a designation/f. See <g65>.
Reduction = 2/b/the formulator.
Aramaic Definitions: then; now; I shall/a judge/nyd.   Notaricon: Notaricon: a limited/a opportunity/d pointed out/y for display/n.
Word Form: yn da   Value Definition: fruitfulness/k of the community/f. See <g65>.
Reduction = 2/b/Creator.
Aramaic Definitions: Lord; my/y lord/nda.   Notaricon: Principle's/a Door/d to potential/n manifestation/achievement/y; Base/a that facilitates/d the Son of Man's/n actions/y; Force/a within the tent/d that asserts itself in many directions/n in all activities/y.
Word Form: lywa    Value Definition: the fruit/extensions/k of resolution processes/f; evident/k dependence/f. See <g47>.
Reduction = 2/b/development.
Oral Tradition: fool; foolish, silly, stupid; drunkard, prattler, evil person.   Notaricon: diminished/a judgment/equilibrium/w in actions/y and roles/l; concepts/a yoked/w to means of attaining/y correction/l.
Word Form: ylwa    Value Definition: the fruit/extensions/k of resolution processes/f; evident/k dependence/f. See <g47>.
Reduction = 2/b/development.
Oral Tradition: Ulai; perhaps, maybe; my/y strength/lwa.   Notaricon: principle/a administers/w roles/l and actions/y; concept/a evaluations/w guide/l activities/y.
Word Form: twa    Value Definition: evidence/k of compact/f. See <g407>.
Reduction = 2/b/associated units.
Aramaic Definitions: token, letter, sign, emblem, mark, indication; desire; to be willing; to agree, consent; satisfied.   Notaricon: an idea/a verified/w with a sign/t; a beginning/a yoked/w with its ending/t.
Word Form: mzja   Value Definition: evident/k integration/f. See <g56>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: Ahuzam; seizure; to possess/zja fully/m.   Notaricon: concept/a of mission/j fulfilled/z beyond measure/m; the life force/a in agreement/j with goals/z that cleanse/m.
Word Form: rja   Value Definition: branchings/k and convergances/f. See <g209>.
Reduction = 2/b/associated units.
Oral Tradition: Aher; after; behind; to carry forward, take further; to follow through; afterwards; another, other; different, strange; second; to procrastinate, defer; to loiter, overstay; to delay, detain.   Notaricon: to conceive/a the mission/j of mind/r; the expansion/a of effort/j required for thought/r; a contraction/a in perspective/j dominating thought/r; a choking/narowing/a of perspective/j and thought/r.
Word Form: hlka   Value Definition: fruit/k in the basket/f. See <g56>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: food; eating.   Notaricon: concepts/a branch forth/k as guides/l to enlightenment/h; the strength/a from fruitful/k guidance/l and discernment/h; principles/a and doctrines/k that lead/l to light/h.
Word Form: pka   Value Definition: hollow/k basket/f. See <g101>.
Reduction = 2/b/container.
Oral Tradition: to compel; to force, press, enforce, burden; stress, pressure, burden, load; saddle.   Notaricon: force/a that perverts/k a soul/p; to exert force/a to compel/k an expression/p; to constrain/a productivity/k with restrictions/p; to tie on/bind with/a a hollow/k container/p.
Word Form: nna   Value Definition: upheaval/k of restraint/f. See <g101>.
Reduction = 2/b/superficiality.
Oral Tradition: to mourn; to lament, bewail; to be sorry for; to complain, grumble, protest; to masturbate; we.   Notaricon: a disruptive/a display/n of loss/n; disruption/a of a man's/n purpose/n; to expel/waste/a the potential/n of a man/n; a binding/a acknowledgement/n of purpose/n.
Word Form: msa   Value Definition: harvest/k basket/f. See <g101>.
Reduction = 2/b/building.
Oral Tradition: storehouse; barn, granary; to store, be stored; abundance, rich harvest.   Notaricon: seed/a shelter/s to be filled/m; to tie up/a loose ends/s uncategorically/m; the seed/a shelter/s is full/m.
Word Form: jra   Value Definition: branchings/k patterns/f. See <g209>.
Reduction = 2/b/to be paired.
Oral Tradition: Arah; path, way, route, manner, mode, condition; to travel, wander, roam.   Notaricon: to enlarge/a the mind/r and mission/j; an expansion/a of mental/r effort/j; principle/a rules/r labors/assignments/j; to settle/a the mind/r with commitment/j; person/a who honors/r covenant/j; ability/a to defy/r borders/j.
Word Form: hcab   Value Definition: an evident/k breaking apart/f. See <g308>.
Reduction = 2/b/the flesh.
Oral Tradition: stinking, smelly; fetidness, bad smell, bad odor; noxious weeds.   Notaricon: flesh/form/b dimished/a by death/c and heat/h.
Word Form: arj   Value Definition: the results/k of a breaking up/f. See <g209>.
Reduction = 2/b/stoole.
Oral Tradition: dung; to deficate.   Notaricon: the effort/j to instigate/r a reduction/a.
Word Form: dml    Value Definition: fruitful/k interchange/f. See <g74>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: teach; to train, instruct; to practice; to argue, aver; to prove; to accuse, indict, arraign; to be schooled, taught; study, knowledge; the twelfth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: instruction/l that releases/m insights/d; guidance/l that flows/m from the heart/d; to accuse/defend/l the people/m of the tent/d.


Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
