Numerology Value 31: al


Word Form: ndyba    Value Definition: ordering/l of concepts/a. See <g67>.
Reduction = 4/
d/the heart.
Oral Tradition: Abidan, Avidan; my/y father/ba is judge/nd.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b exposes/y the secret heart/d of a Son of Man/n; an intense/a awareness/b brings/y emotional/d reversal/n; an individual/a who is receptive/b to assertions/y having pointedly/d interior applications/n; an expansion/a of consciousness/b brings/y perceptions/d that were unexpected/n.
Word Form: baylha   Value Definition: guidance/l by the Life Force/a. See <g49>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Aholiab; my/y tent/lha is the Father/ba; my/y covering's/lha originator/ba.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a enlightens/h, guides/l, stimulates/y, and expands/a consciousness/b; the conceptual/a brilliance/h of a teacher/l provokes/y intensified/a awareness/b.
Word Form: lybwa   Value Definition: redirection/l of focus/a. See <g49>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Obil; mournfulness; to/l my/y skin/bottle/bwa; to be maudlin, depressed.   Notaricon: thoughts/a weighed/w by the soul/b to invoke/y change/l.
Word Form: zpwa    Value Definition: proven/l concepts/a. See <g94>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Uphaz.   Notaricon: principles/a outpour/w expressions/p that are perfect/z; concepts/a cradled/w in expressions/p that are honed/sharpened/perfected/z.
Word Form: djyja   Value Definition: mature/l friend/a. See <g31>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Ahihud; mysterious; my/y brother/ja is a riddle/speaks enigmatically/dwj; my/y brother/ja shouts/dj.   Notaricon: an individual/a who aids/j by supplying/y his perspective/j to insights/d.
Word Form: hyzja    Value Definition: guided/l by principle/a. See <g31>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Ahaziah; the possession/zja of Yah/hy.   Notaricon: an individual/a whose views/j are shaped/z by the blessing/y of enlightenment/h; the Life Force's/a affinity/j for the spiritual warrior/z who acts/behaves/y with discernment/h; a champion/a of covenant/j who opposes/z the instigators/y of separation/discord/h.
Word Form: ylja   Value Definition: redirection/l of focus/a. See <g49>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Ahlai; would that, might it be that; mine/y to wish/lja; I will become/a my own/y bastion/lj; a companion/aj to/for myself/yl.   Notaricon: a focus/a upon improvement/j guides/governs/l activities/y; an individual/a whose outlook/j is determined/led by/l his hands/y.
Word Form: b yzka   Value Definition: preventing/l growth/a. See <g40>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Achzib; deceitful; active/y deceptivity/bzka.   Notaricon: a disorderly/a perversion/k of law/words/z seduces/y the coummunity/b; proud/a overthrow/k of the aims/z of the activities/y of a household/b; friction/a escalates/k to antagonism/z to reinforce/y inertia/b.
Word Form: lwla    Value Definition: mature/l growth/a. See <g67>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Elul; sixth month; vain, worthless (variant of lyla).   Notaricon: growth/a ceases/l, indicating/w change/l.
Word Form: ddyla   Value Definition: the role/l of fervor/a. See <g49>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Elidad; my God is love; my/y God's/la bosom/dd.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a guides/l by touching/y the heart's/d emotions/d.
Word Form: hmla   Value Definition: prevents/l scattering/a. See <g76>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: sheaf; bundle; archway.   Notaricon: a binding/a that inhibits/l freedom/m and separates/isolates/h; concepts/a that provide direction/l for the people's/m enlightenment/h.
Word Form: xla   Value Definition: reversal/l in ideas/a. See <g121>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: to compel, force, drive, urge, press; compulsion.   Notaricon: forceful/a prodding/l for change in direction/x; a friend/a encourages/l a correction/x.
Word Form: l xa   Value Definition: towards/l a location/a. See <g121>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Azal, Azel; near, at, to; close to, beside; in the possession of; to reserve, lay aside, set apart; to impart; to delegate; to emanate; to influence; to ennoble.   Notaricon: located/a adjacent/x to/l; binding/a that accomplishes/x obedience/l; focused/a attempt/x at guidance/l; to inspire/a a righteous/x role/course of direction/l.
Word Form: zgra   Value Definition: the role/l of wrapping/a. See <g211>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: case; an area/a shaped/r to facilitate/g goals/z.   Notaricon: an area/a shaped/r to facilitate/g goals/z.
Word Form: dwra   Value Definition: guided/l by impetus/a. See <g211>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Arvad, Arod; I shall/a roam/depart/dwr; aimlessness, shiftlessness; vagabond.   Notaricon: focus/inspiration/a happens/r in conjunction with/w opportunity/d.
Word Form: yra   Value Definition: the role/l of force/a. See <g211>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: lion.   Notaricon: powerful/a master/r of action/y; the force/a of a mind/r that is fullly activated/y.
Word Form: hdca   Value Definition: a changing/l force/a. See <310>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: waterfall, ravine, declevity, slope.   Notaricon: the ability/a to wear/c openings/d and gullies/h.
Word Form: cwab   Value Definition: a reversal/l in vitality/a. See <310>.
Reduction = 4/
d/the burial vault.
Oral Tradition: stinking, evil-smelling, malodorous; sour grapes, unripe grapes.   Notaricon: form/flesh/b diminished/a by the struggle/w with death/c.
Word Form: harh   Value Definition: a guidel who is focused/a. See <g211>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Haroeh; the/h seer/har; the/h witness/har.   Notaricon: the/h mind/r that is focused/a on enlightenment/h; a separated one/h who watches/r in focused/a isolation/h.
Word Form: n yz   Value Definition: masculine/l force/a. See <g67>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: weapon; armament; to arm, equip; armed; to adorn; ornament; penis; fornicator, lecher, womanizer; seventh letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: an instrument/z used/y to accomplish reversal/n; carved/shaped/z by the hand/y for display/ornamentation/n; the penetrating/z ability/y of a son of man/n.
Word Form: lwm   Value Definition: an elder/l is identified/a. See <g76>.
Reduction = 4/
d/the door.
Oral Tradition: circumcised; confronting, facing; in front of; opposite, against.   Notaricon: freed/m of the yoke/w of instruction/l; released/m from a mother's/w guidance/l; cleansed/m of judgment/w and accusation/l; the attributes/m of proximity/w and direction/l.
Word Form: halm   Value Definition: testing/l the bursting point/a. See <g76>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: fullness; plentitude; ripe produce; pregnant; tiresome, tedious, fatiguing, wearisome, boring, monotonous; a filling; gem setting.   Notaricon: a filling/m that tests/l the bursting point/a emphatically/h.
Word Form: lax   Value Definition: change/l of focus/a. See <g121>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: shadow; lotus.   Notaricon: a turning/x from principle/a brings reversal/l; the transformational/x concepts/a of instruction/l.
Word Form: hb w x   Value Definition: a discouraging/l force/a. See <g103>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: Zoba, Zobah.   Notaricon: defending/x the status quo/w and inhibiting/b individualism/h; to overturn/ward off/x judgment/w via superficial/b discrimination/h; to pursue/x judgment/w by the interiorization/b of life/h.
Word Form: al x   Value Definition: invocational/l focus/a. See <g121>.
Reduction = 4/
Oral Tradition: to pray; variant of ul x/to curve.   Notaricon: a pious/x bending/l of focus/a.


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