Gematria 121: akq


Word Form: klmla   Value Definition: authority/q with coercive/k power/a. See <n49>.
Oral Tradition: Allamelech; mighty/la, king/klm; God/la reigns/klm; oak/la of Moloch/klm.   Notaricon: a powerful/a elder/l chosen/m to lead/l the tribes/k; the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l the people/m and shepherds/l the tribes/k; the ability/a to inhibit/l freedom/m and to discourage/l productivity/k.
Word Form: nmla   Value Definition: spiritual separation/q that restructures/k friendships/a.
See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: to widow; to bereave.   Notaricon: the diminishing/a reversal/l of the loss/m of a man/husband/n; disorder/a that leads/l to confusion/m and decline/n.
Word Form: xla   Value Definition: to push/q for a restructuring/k of concepts/a. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: to compel, force, drive, urge, press; compulsion.   Notaricon: forceful/a prodding/l for change in direction/x; a friend/a encourages/l a correction/x.
Word Form: lypa   Value Definition: domain/q at the extremity/k of focus/a. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: latter; late, late-ripening; unripe.   Notaricon: smaller/a fruits/p to reach/y maturity/l; concepts/a that manifest/p at the attainment/y of old age/l.
Word Form: l xa   Value Definition: to propel/q with fruitful/k impetuss/a. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: Azal, Azel; near, at, to; close to, beside; in the possession of; to reserve, lay aside, set apart; to impart; to delegate; to emanate; to influence; to ennoble.   Notaricon: located/a adjacent/x to/l; binding/a that accomplishes/x obedience/l; focused/a attempt/x at guidance/l; to inspire/a a righteous/x role/course of direction/l.
Word Form: hansh   Value Definition: an ape's/q upheaval/k of principle/a. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: Hassenaah; the/h enemy/hater/hans.   Notaricon: an emphatic/h and bristling/s denial/n of the concepts/a of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: lax   Value Definition: a darkening/q upheaval/k in concepts/a. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: shadow; lotus.   Notaricon: a turning/x from principle/a brings reversal/l; the transformational/x concepts/a of instruction/l.
Word Form: al x   Value Definition: a holy/q broadening/k of focus/a. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: to pray; variant of ul x/to curve.   Notaricon: a pious/x bending/l of focus/a.



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