Numerology Value 48: jm


Word Form: ynwmda   Value Definition: to precipitate/m a descent/j. See <g111>.
Reduction = 3/g/falling.
Oral Tradition: reddish; ruddy, red-faced, red-headed, rubicund, florid.   Notaricon: the force/a of emotional/d release/m joined/w with quick/n action/y.
Word Form: hmbylha   Value Definition: confusion/m and strife/j. See <g93>.
Oral Tradition: Oholibama; my/y tent/lha of the high place/hmb.   Notaricon: a focus/a that isolates/h roles/l and deplenishes/y the soul/b by confused/m affiliations/h; diminished/a discernment/h prevents/l attainment/y of a soul's/b liberation/m through enlightenment/h; the conceptual/a brilliance/h of a teacher/l provokes/y hearing/b messages/m in divisiveness/h.
Word Form: whyrwa   Value Definition: anointed/m servant/j. See <g228>.
Reduction = 3/g/conduit.
Oral Tradition: Uriah, Urijah.   Notaricon: principle/a bonds/w with thought/r to bring/y enlightenment/h and balance/w; the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w knowledge/r for the acquisition/y of enlightened/h judgments/w; emanation/a that sustains/w the mental/r gift/y of discrimination/h in judgment/w.
Word Form: rsla   Value Definition: unrestricted/m assistance/j. See <g291>.
Reduction = 3/g/facilitator.
Oral Tradition: Ellasar; the might/la to turn aside/rs; not/la dispirited/rs.   Notaricon: the powerful/a encouragement/l and support/s of a king/r; a focused/a leader/l bears/s authority/r.
Word Form: nwnma   Value Definition: choice/m upon theladder/j. See <g147>.
Reduction = 3/g/inclination.
Oral Tradition: Amnon; the people/ma flourish/nwn; the people/ma decline/nwn.   Notaricon: a burgeoning/a flow/m augments/n and upholds/w potentiality/n; focus/a upon superficiality/m depletes/n judgment/w potential/n.
Word Form: rypa   Value Definition: free/m association/j. See <g291>.
Reduction = 3/g/vocalization.
Oral Tradition: Ophir.   Notaricon: principled/a expressions/p that impart/y knowledge/r; a concept/a expressed/p to encourage/y thought/r.
Word Form: kwyra   Value Definition: untarnished/m outlook/j. See <g237>.
Reduction = 3/g/roar.
Oral Tradition: Arioch; the lion/yra of his/w tribe/k.   Notaricon: a powerful/a ruler/r motivated/y by the adulation/w of his kinsmen/k.
Word Form: ywkra   Value Definition: unlimited/m effort/j. See <g237>.
Reduction = 3/g/process.
Oral Tradition: Archevite.   Notaricon: an individual/a who rises above/r disorder/k and struggle/w through action/y; focused/a mind/r that simplifies/k, realigns/w, and arranges/y.
Word Form: tdca   Value Definition: swift/m chariot/j. See <g705>.
Reduction = 3/g/birth process.
Oral Tradition: fiery law; fire/ca law/td.   Notaricon: the principle/a of fire/c is the gateway/d to renwal/t; the emanation/a of Spirit/c that pervades/d all things/t.
Word Form: rwca   Value Definition: unfettered/m strife/j. See <g507>.
Reduction = 3/g/vocalization.
Oral Tradition: Asshur, Assur, Assyria, Assyrians; successful; to step well, correctly; confirmation, authentication, corroboration; approval, endorsement, permission; acknowledgement.   Notaricon: the powers/a of destruction/c that are the passion/w of rulers/r; a focused/a spirit/c that weighs/w thought/r.
Word Form: qwta   Value Definition: reflection/m of harmony/j. See <g507>.
Reduction = 3/g/excess.
Oral Tradition: ledge; porch, gallery; column, buttress.   Notaricon: a location/a defined/t by its connection/w to a vaulted area/q.
Word Form: r yhm   Value Definition: quick/m work/j. See <g255>.
Reduction = 3/g/facilitated.
Oral Tradition: quick; fast, rapid, swift; diligent, prompt; speedy; skilled, expert; the mahir (a large imaginary creature mentioned in Talmud).   Notaricon: swift/m-as-light/h actions/y that are decisive/competent/r.


Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
