

reddish (admoni)
blush; ruddy, red-faced, rubicund, florid; red-headed.

Notaricon: an intense/a emotional/d release/m linked/w to an unexpected/n event/y.

Gematria: 111/ayq: a shadowing that brings humility.
Numerological Value: 48/
jm: reflection of anxiety.

Targum: a quick (3/g) reaction to consciousness (12/by) of upheaval in perceptions (21/ak) that exposes the heart (84/dp) while manifesting the distress (84/dp) of the obvious conflicts (21/ak) that excited the body's (12/by) nervous system (3/g).

See reddish/ynmda; mdmda; red/mwda; ynmda.

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