Numerology Value 54: dn


Word Form: nwubg yba    Value Definition: potentiality/n of the Door/d. See <g144>.
Reduction =
9/f/the Assembly.
Oral Tradition: Abi-Gibeon; my/y father/ba is of many hills/nwubg.   Notaricon: Principle/a houses/b, provides for/y, and carries/g the souls/b upon the Wheel/u of Unity/w in every aspect/n.
Word Form: myrwda    Value Definition: noble/n insights/d. See <g261>.
Reduction =
9/f/resolution of opposites.
Oral Tradition: Adoraim.   Notaricon: an expansive/generous/a heart/d and/w mind/r that gives/y freely/m; principled/a insights/d weighed/w by the intellect/r in order to bless/y the people/m.
Word Form: rypwa    Value Definition: multi-facited/n opportunities/d. See <g297>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ophir.   Notaricon: principles/a outpour/w expressions/p that stimulate/y the mind/r; concepts/a cradled/w in expressions/p that encourage/y thought/r.
Word Form: rzuya   Value Definition: reversal/n of opportunity/d. See <g288>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Jeezer; helpless; where/ya is help/rzu; an island/ya surrounded/rzu.   Notaricon: a diminishmet/a of my/y understanding/u of the words/z of knowledge/r; the life force/a held/y in captivity/u to harmful/z thoughts/r.
Word Form: muyna   Value Definition: exhausting/n emotions/d. See <g171>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Aniam; a mourning/yna people/nation/mu.   Notaricon: contrition/a wastes/n and ovewhelms/u the people/nation/m.
Word Form: nwmra   Value Definition: potential/n refuge/d. See <g297>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: mansion; palace, citadel, castle.   Notaricon: power base/a of the king/r reflective/m of loyalty/w and prominence/n; an expanse/a that overlooks/r the nation/m and/w its potentiality/n.
Word Form: znkca   Value Definition: porposeful/n obstacle/d. See <g376>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ashkenaz; Germany, German; Central European; ejaculation; a testicle's/kca spurt/hzn.   Notaricon: the projected/a strength/c of the tribes'/k determined/n warriors/z.
Word Form: lwmta   Value Definition: assimilation/n of insights/d. See <g477>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: yesterday, heretofore, recently; near/ta before/lwm.   Notaricon: concept/a measured/t via reflection/m and/w reminiscence/l.


Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
