

Adoraim (Adorayim)
da and/w poison/myr: i.e., poisonous atmosphere; tears: the mist/da that clings/w to the eyelash/myr.

Notaricon: an individual/a who opposes/d what is right/w and insists/r upon actions/y that are unwarranted/m; a generous/a heart/d longs/w for deliverance/r, bringing/y tears/m.

Gematria: 261/asr: an intellect vexed by animosity.
Numerological Value: 54/
dn: noble sentiments.

Targum: conflict (9/f) brings discord (18/jy) that overthrows the agenda (27/zk) through malicious (36/wl) negativity and ignorant (45/hn) demands that convey (63/gs) a dictatorial intent (81/ap) and subvert (90/x) the righteous (90/x) aspiration to focus (81/ap) on constructive procedures (63/gs) that might result in a beneficial (45/hn) change of direction and (36/wl) a fruitful outcome (27/zk), satisfying differences (18/jy) through conflict resolution (9/f).

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