Numerology Value 59: fn


Word Form: tububa    Value Definition: a withdrawal/n that isolates/f. See <g545>.
Reduction = 5/h/a winnowing.
Oral Tradition: blains; the inflammation associated with boils, pimples, and other skin disorders.   Notaricon: eruptions/a from within/b body openings/u develop/b into a fountain/u that renews/t; expanded/a awareness/b of the heart/u builds/b understanding/u unto renewal/t.
Word Form: klmyla   Value Definition: display/n of trust/f. See <g131>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: Elimelech; my/y God/la is King/klm; my/y God/la rules/determines/klm.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l and assists/y the anointed/m in leading/l the tribes/k.
Word Form: hqtla   Value Definition: purposeful/n patterns/f. See <g536>.
Reduction = 5/h/rays of light.
Oral Tradition: Eltekeh; God/la is his expectation/hope/hwqt.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a causes/l signs/t in heaven's/q lights/h; the Life Force/Principle/a inspires/l measurement/t of holiness/q and enlightenment/h.
Word Form: tbnra   Value Definition: nibbles/n and hides/f. See <g653>.
Reduction = 5/h/isolated.
Oral Tradition: hare; rabbit.   Notaricon: an alert/a mind/r that displays/n awareness/b of all things/t; a nervous/a individual/r who scurries/n to concealment/b in corners/t.
Word Form: yrwca   Value Definition: the prominence/n of fortification/f. See <g517>.
Reduction = 5/h/proliferation.
Oral Tradition: Ashurites, Ashurim.   Notaricon: the powers/a of destruction/c are unleashed/w by the king's/r actions/y; a focused/a spirit/c that weighs/w thought/r and actions/y.
Word Form: rpca   Value Definition: displayed/n in a basket/f. See <g581>.
Reduction = 5/h/separated.
Oral Tradition: portion, morsel; seamstress; interior decorator; fiery/ca bullock/rp.   Notaricon: the ability/a to excite/c both mouth/p and mind/r.
Word Form: myla rab   Value Definition: noble/n brotherhood/f. See <g284>.
Reduction = 5/h/winnowers.
Oral Tradition: Beer-elim; well/rab of the violent/heroes/myla.   Notaricon: house/b of mighty/a lords/r whose intent/a is to influence/manipulate/l the activities/y of the masses/m.
Word Form: mydck    Value Definition: extracting/n from a target/f. See <g374>.
Reduction = 5/h/enlightenment.
Oral Tradition: Chaldees; the East.   Notaricon: utlilizing the branches/k of wisdom/c as portals/d for the acquisition/y of messages/m..



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
