Gematria 131: al q


Word Form: klmyla   Value Definition: realm/q of mature/l focus/a. See <n59>.
Oral Tradition: Elimelech; my/y God/la is King/klm; my/y God/la rules/determines/klm.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l and assists/y the anointed/m in leading/l the tribes/k.
Word Form: ynmla   Value Definition: to confirm/q by directing/l focus/a. See <n50>.
Oral Tradition: such and such; such a one; these/la of destiny/ynm.   Notaricon: focus/a pointing/l to people/m prominently/n manifested/y.
Word Form: mnma   Value Definition: confers/q a redirection/l of focus/a. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: surely; truly, verily; indeed.   Notaricon: a cmpanion/a returns/m a display/n of preference/m; intense/a preference/m displayed/n in allusion/m.
Word Form: xma   Value Definition: domains/q of mature/l strength/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: to be strong, vigorous, valiant, bold; to strengthen, encourage; courage, bravery, boldness, fortitude, vigor; gallantry; to strain, perform with difficulty; to adopt, be adopted.   Notaricon: power/a to liberate/m and transform/x; diminishment/a troublesome/m to transformation/x; a person/a selected/m for transformation/x.
Word Form: pna   Value Definition: the mask/q that points/l to ego/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: anger; wrath, ire; to be angry; (biblical) face, visage.   Notaricon: forceful/a movement/n within the face/p; an explosive/a display/n and/or expression/p; the outward projection/a of a person's/n personality/p.
Word Form: mypa   Value Definition: darkness/q afflicts/l the ego/a. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: Aphaim; the angry ones; multiple faces/personalities.   Notaricon: explosive/a personalities/p that assert themselves/y without restriction/m; divided/a personalities/p bring/y confusion/m.
Word Form: npa   Value Definition: to control/regulate/q the direction/l of a force/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: spin; to rotate, revolve, wheel; mode, manner, fashion, way.   Notaricon: (centrifugal) force/a allows/p movement/n; the principle/a that permits/p tumbling/n; a focus/a upon manner/style/p in an exchange/n.
Word Form: ly xa   Value Definition: dedicated/q to the role/l of principle/a. See <n41>.
Oral Tradition: noble; high-born; aristocrat; extremity, limit, end.   Notaricon: an individual/a of righteous/x performance/y and influence/l; focus/a turns/x and action/y stops/l; limit/a that defies/x an active/y role/l.
Word Form: m xa   Value Definition: controls/q the rod/l of power/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: Ozem, strong.   Notaricon: ability/a to uplift/transform/x multitudes/m; power/a to suppress/x the people/m.
Word Form: a xm   Value Definition: domains/q leading/l to location/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: to find; to discover, find out; to guess; to reach, overtake, catch; to come upon; to reveal; to meet, encounter; to happen, befall; to be sufficient.   Notaricon: swift/m pursuit/x and location/a; fully/m acceptable/x decision/a.
Word Form: am x   Value Definition: threat/q that guides/l concepts/a. See <n32>.
Oral Tradition: thirst; thirstiness; to thirst, be dry, parched, thirsty.   Notaricon: to pursue/x water/fluids/m with intensity/a; hunger/x reflected/m in concepts/a.



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