Numerology Value 61: as


Word Form: klmrda   Value Definition: pillar/s of principle/a. See <g295>.
Reduction = 7/z/perfection.
Oral Tradition: Adrammelech; the splendor/rda of a king/klm.   Notaricon: the principled/a insight/d of a mind/r anointed/m for guidance/l of the tribes/k.
Word Form: mq yn da   Value Definition: pillar/s of principle/a. See <g205>.
Reduction = 7/z/warrior.
Oral Tradition: Adonikam; my/y lord/nda arises/mwq.   Notaricon: force/a in the mishkan/tent/d whose purpose/n is to stimulate/y sanctified/q messages/m; focused/a insight/sd unfold/n in acts/y that purify/q many/m; powerful/a emotional/d display/n in response/y to a priestly/q anointing/m.
Word Form: tyrja   Value Definition: overextended/s concepts/a. See <g619>.
Reduction = 7/z/conclusion.
Oral Tradition: remnant; end; posterity, offspring; future; it will be/t my/y hereafter/rja.   Notaricon: a concentrated/a effort/j of the mind/r to attain/y unto measurement of the past/present/future/t; focus/a that helps/j the mind/r achieve/y regeneration/t.
Word Form: fl p yla   Value Definition: shelter/s and champion/a. See <g160>.
Reduction = 7/z/warrior.
Oral Tradition: Eliphalet; Eliphelet, Elpalet; my/y God/la rescues/delivers/flp.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a shepherds/l with appropriate/y pronouncements/p in defense/l of the comunity/f.
Word Form: myrpa   Value Definition: pillar/s of humanity/a. See <g331>.
Reduction = 7/z/regeneration.
Oral Tradition: Ephraim; Ephraimites.   Notaricon: the ability/a to open/p the mind/r to receive/y an anointing/m; motes/a that blow/p and sail/r, affecting/touching/y multitudes/m; seed/a that disperses/p knowledge/r and blessings/y to all peoples/m.
Word Form: tpca   Value Definition: support/s for seed/a. See <g781>.
Reduction = 7/z/regeneration.
Oral Tradition: dung hill; hot/ca morsel/tp.   Notaricon: concentrated/a strength/c that allows for/p regeneration/t.
Word Form: trwm   Value Definition: a spreading/s of concepts/a. See <g646>.
Reduction = 7/z/severance.
Oral Tradition: to depart; to remove; to feel, touch.   Notaricon: to abandon/m evaluation/w of the mind's/r regeneration/t; reflective/m consideration/w of a mental/r measurement/t.
Word Form: myapr   Value Definition: reliance/s upon disorder/a. See <g331>.
Reduction = 7/z/opposition.
Oral Tradition: Rephaim; gainsayers, discouragers, dishearteners.   Notaricon: threatening/r speach/p that diminishes/a stamina/resolve/y of the people/m.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
