Gematria 331: alc


Word Form: cyka   Value Definition: wisdom's/c guide/l for humanity/a. See <n43>.
Oral Tradition: Achish; my/y brother/ja is wise/c.   Notaricon: a friend/a with conspicuous/k gifts/y of wisdom/c; a personal/a emmisary/k who provides/y strength/c.
Word Form: myrpa   Value Definition: wisdom/c guiding/l concepts/a. See <n61>.
Oral Tradition: Ephraim; Ephraimites.   Notaricon: the ability/a to open/p the mind/r to receive/y an anointing/m; motes/a that blow/p and sail/r, affecting/touching/y multitudes/m; seed/a that disperses/p knowledge/r and blessings/y to all peoples/m.
Word Form: nrap   Value Definition: wisdom/c guiding/l concepts/a. See <n52>.
Oral Tradition: Paran; glorification.   Notaricon: to enunciate/p the focused/a thought/r of the Son of Man/n; to manifest/p principle/a with the authority/r of the Son of Man/n.
Word Form: myapr   Value Definition: to utilize/c discouragement/l and friction/a. See <n61>.
Oral Tradition: Rephaim; gainsayers, discouragers, dishearteners.   Notaricon: threatening/r speach/p that diminishes/a stamina/resolve/y of the people/m.



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