Numerology Value 64: ds


Word Form: yrzuya    Value Definition: frayed/s insights/d. See <g298>.
Reduction = 1/a/friction.
Oral Tradition: Jezerite; my/y helplessness/rzuya; where/ya is my/y help/rzu.   Notaricon: a diminishmet/a of my/y understanding/u of the words/z of knowledge/r received/y; the life force/a held/y in captivity/u to harmful/z thoughts/r and actions/y.
Word Form: dckpra   Value Definition: fretfulness/s and worry/d. See <g605>.
Reduction = 1/a/friction.
Oral Tradition: Arpachshad; to curse/rra the water bottle/kp of the field/dc: e.g., to afflict those points of contact between vapor/water and earth.   Notaricon: to distrupt/a with force/r the fruitp and productivity/k of a wise/c heart/d.
Word Form: tcra   Value Definition: aåçlert/s heart/d. See <g901>.
Reduction = 1/a/focus.
Oral Tradition: expression, physiognomy; longing: I hope/t to be engaged to be married/cra.   Notaricon: a humble/a mind/r wisdom/c regenerates/t; fervent/a devotion/r is wisdom's/c measurement/t.
Word Form: layrca   Value Definition: alert/s to opportunity/d. See <g541>.
Reduction = 1/a/focused.
Oral Tradition: Ashriel; Asriel; my/y happiness/rca is God/la.   Notaricon: the ability/a of a wise/c mind/r to achieve/y focus/a on guidance/l.
Word Form: lyarca   Value Definition: alert/s to opportunity/d. See <g541>.
Reduction = 1/a/focused.
Oral Tradition: Asrielites; right/straight/happy/rca with my/y God/hla.   Notaricon: a focused/a and wise/c mind/r concentrating/a on correcting/l performance/y.
Word Form: nwtca   Value Definition: alert/s to opportunity/d. See <g757>.
Reduction = 1/a/focused.
Oral Tradition: Eshton; restful.   Notaricon: the ability/a of wisdom/c to measure/t and weigh/w potentialities/n.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
