Gematria 605: h r t


Word Form: trda   Value Definition: sign/t of a mind/r that is enlightened/h. See <n47>.
Oral Tradition: cloak; mantle, coat; glory, magnificence.   Notaricon: the concepts/a and insights/d of the mind/r in regeneration/t; a humble/a heart/d and mind's/r sign/t; the central being/a shines/d with nobility/r in all directions/t; an expansive/a emotional/d elevation/r within a continuum/t.
Word Form: dckpra   Value Definition: sign/t of a mind/r that is enlightened/h. See <n64>.
Oral Tradition: Arpachshad; to curse/rra the water bottle/kp of the field/dc: e.g., to afflict those points of contact between vapor/water and earth.   Notaricon: to distrupt/a with force/r the fruitp and productivity/k of a wise/c heart/d.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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