

Abner (Avneer)
ba is a light/splendor/rn.

Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b augments/n thought/r; concentration/a develops/b the potential/n of intellect/r; focused/a interiorization/b displays/n nobility/r; an expanding/a awareness/b is a demonstration/n of beauty/r.

Gematria: 253/gnr: a mind discovers transcendence.
Numerological Value: 37/
gl: mature elation.

Targum: inspiration (1/a) brings (10/y) anticipation of broadening (28/jk) possibilties and a refreshing (55/hn) receptivity to transcendentce (73/go) by ravishing the soul (82/bp) and opening it to awareness (82/bp) of overwhelming confirmations (73/go), unexpected discernments (55/hn), and a hopeful outlook (28/jk) that honors (10/y) principle (1/a).

Compare Abner/rynba.

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