Abner (Avneer) Father/ba is a light/splendor/ryn. Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b surprises/n and satisfies/y the mind/r; a concept/a developed/b to its fullest potential/n imparts/y knowledge/r; as concepts/a are interiorized/b, they unfold/n the blessings/y of intellect/r; an acute/a awareness/b displays/n responsible/y thought/r; the Life Force/a fashions/b the potential/n supplied/y by intellect/r; a meek/a soul/b projects/n humility/y and honor/r. Gematria: 263/gsr: thoughts empower transcendence. Numerological Value: 47/zm: counsel that excels. Targum: forms (2/b) instill an incentive (11/ay) to uncover what is hidden (29/fk) by reconsidering perspectives (38/jl) and moderating judgments (56/wn) to secure enlightened (65/hs) understandings of possibilities (74/du) and verbalizations that voice (83/gp) a perfect receptivity (92/bx) that delights in what is made (92/bx) and acknowledges transcendent (83/gp) realizations and insights (74/du) that prepare for an examination (65/hs) of interior applications and that reverence (56/wn) the wise coordination (38/jl) of chaos and order (29/fk) implemented at the inception (11/ay) of Creation (2/b). Compare Abner/rnba. |