Numerology Value 37: z l


Word Form: gcyba    Value Definition: change/correction/l of will/z. See <g316>.
Reduction = 1/a/an expansive force.
Oral Tradition: Abishag; my/y father/ba enlarges/gc; my/y father/ba misleads/gc.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y to stimulate/c processes/g; concepts/a interiorized/b that bring/y disruption/c and entanglement/g; an explosive force/a concealed/b in actions/activities/y that augments or destroys/c nourishment/g.
Word Form: rnba    Value Definition: an elder/l of perfection/z. See <g253>.
Reduction = 1/a/a principled force.
Oral Tradition: Abner; father/ba is a light/splendor/rn.   Notaricon: concepts/a formulated/b according to the full potential/n of intellect/r; principle/a interiorized/b in display/n of nobility/r.
Word Form: nwmga   Value Definition: rod/l generation/z. See <g100>.
Reduction = 1/a/principled force.
Oral Tradition: bulrush; reed, cane.   Notaricon: the ability/a to lift/g water/m and/w flourish/n; principle/a transmits/g messages/m for consideration/w of the Son of Man/n; a power/a conduit/g draw out/m judgment/w unto reversal/n.
Word Form: adzr da   Value Definition: role/l of perfection/z. See <g217>.
Reduction = 1/a/principled force.
Oral Tradition: carefully; diligently; I will be/a honorable/rda and proud/dwz.   Notaricon: a principled/a path/d ruled/r by perfectly/z insightful/d concepts/a.
Word Form: yrwa   Value Definition: an elder's/l goal/z. See <g217>.
Reduction = 1/a/principled will.
Oral Tradition: Uri; my/y light/rwa.   Notaricon: principle/a bonds/w with thought/r to bless/y; emanation/a that sustains/w mental/r activity/y; the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w mental/r activity/y
Word Form: whyzja   Value Definition: goad/l to perfection/z. See <g37>.
Reduction = 1/a/focus.
Oral Tradition: Ahaziah; the possession/zja of Yah/why.   Notaricon: the power/a to serve/j perfectly/z through acts/y of enlightened/h mercy/w; the life force/a in agreement/j with the perfect/z blessings/y of life/h with equity/w; the forceful/a efforts/j of the warrior's/z hand/y is restrained/h and balanced/w.
Word Form: hynza   Value Definition: the role/l of words/z. See <g73>.
Reduction = 1/a/concept emanation.
Oral Tradition: Azaniah, heard/nza by Yah/hy; attuned/nza to Yah/hy; the ear/nza of Yah/hy.   Notaricon: the power/a of words/z augmented/n with the gift/y of enlightement/h.
Word Form: twja   Value Definition: guide/l to completion/z. See <g415>.
Reduction = 1/a/an expansive force.
Oral Tradition: sister; companion, friend.   Notaricon: life force/a committed/j to the yoke/w of regeneration/t; a primary/a servant/j who champions/upholds/w renewal/t.
Word Form: jrja   Value Definition: preventing/l perfection/z. See <g217>.
Reduction = 1/a/focus.
Oral Tradition: Aharah.   Notaricon: a narrow/a perspective/j dominates/r relationships/j.
Word Form: nlya    Value Definition: guide/l to completion/z. See <g91>.
Reduction = 1/a/an expansive force.
Oral Tradition: Elon; oak tree.   Notaricon: an expansive/a manifestation/y that is instructive/l of potentiality/n; seed/a planted/y under the direction/l of the Son of Man/n.
Word Form: nyla    Value Definition: to point/l the spear/z. See <g91>.
Reduction = 1/a/focus.
Oral Tradition: the; these.   Notaricon: to fix upon/a by guiding/l the hand/y with purpose/n.
Word Form: ynla    Value Definition: guide/l for Torah/z. See <g91>.
Reduction = 1/a/principled.
Oral Tradition: Elonites.   Notaricon: the ability/a to lead/l is displayed/n in actions/y.
Word Form: h xma   Value Definition: mature/l goals/z. See <g136>.
Reduction = 1/a/focus.
Oral Tradition: courage; vigor; her/h courage/xma.   Notaricon: the strength/a reflected/m in a righteous/x life/h; a person/a freed/m by the pursuit/x of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: hpna   Value Definition: malicious/l and harmful/z. See <g136>.
Reduction = 1/a/disruptive.
Oral Tradition: heron; egret.   Notaricon: belligerence/a displayed/n in the face/p and talons/h.
Word Form: tna   Value Definition: finger/l pointing/z. See <g451>.
Reduction = 1/a/identification.
Oral Tradition: you; thou; as for thee.   Notaricon: to focus/a on a son of man/n fixedly/t.
Word Form: qpa   Value Definition: corrective/l goal/z. See <g181>.
Reduction = 1/a/limits.
Oral Tradition: Aphek; to restrain oneself; horizon, vista.   Notaricon: an individual/a manifests/p control/q; an area/a at the edge/p of the sky/q.
Word Form: ub xa   Value Definition: bending/l instrument/z. See <g163>.
Reduction = 1/a/ability to capture.
Oral Tradition: finger; index finger, forefinger; to finger fingerbreadth, inch; toe, penis; I shall/a grasp/ub x.   Notaricon: the ability/a pick up/x, to hold/b, and to encircle/u.
Word Form: hkra   Value Definition: encourages/l goals/z. See <g226>.
Reduction = 1/a/focused.
Oral Tradition: health; well being; a lengthening (of days); prolonged.   Notaricon: a principled/a authority/r realigns/k affiliations/h; an expanding/a mind/r celebrates/k life/h; to focus/a on thoughts/r that complicate/k discernment/h.
Word Form: ura   Value Definition: goad/l to perfection/z. See <g271>.
Reduction = 1/a/focused.
Oral Tradition: happen; to occur, befall, take place; land, earth.   Notaricon: a spark/a falls/r to the ground/u; locale/a with marked/r boundaries/u.
Word Form: nta   Value Definition: finger/l pointing/z. See <g451>.
Reduction = 1/a/identification.
Oral Tradition: you; simetimes (biblical).   Notaricon: proclivity/a to alter/t or reverse/n; person/a singled out/t prominently/n.
Word Form: hydx   Value Definition: to prevent/l perfection/z. See <g109>.
Reduction = 1/a/intervention.
Oral Tradition: malice; premeditation; evil designs; wicked intent.   Notaricon: an other-directed/lateral/x perception/d that brings/y division/h; to ward off/x an opportunityd to achieve/y enlightenment/h; a successful/x block/d to the gifts/y of life/h.
Word Form: hdyx   Value Definition: proof/l of the weapon/z. See <g109>.
Reduction = 1/a/intervention.
Oral Tradition: food; provisions, supplies; hunting.   Notaricon: the hunter's/x acquisitions/y for the tent/d are collected/distributed/h; righteousness/x provides/y access/d to enlightenment/h.
Word Form: apq   Value Definition: evasive/l words/z. See <g181>.
Reduction = 1/a/a lessening.
Oral Tradition: worm; vine; elephant's trunk.   Notaricon: a draining/q manifestation/p that contracts/expands/a.



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