Numerology Value 47: zm


Word Form: rynba    Value Definition: reflected/m perfection/z. See <g263>.
Reduction = 2/b/the ram.
Oral Tradition: Abner; father/ba is a light/splendor/ryn.   Notaricon: principle/a formulates/b the potential/n provided/y by intellect/r; concepts/a interiorized/b to unfold/n the gifts/y of the mind/r; an expanded/a consciousness/b that displays/n the manifested power/y of a king/r.
Word Form: trda   Value Definition: the oil/m of perfection/z. See <g605>.
Reduction = 2/b/covering.
Oral Tradition: cloak; mantle, coat; glory, magnificence.   Notaricon: the concepts/a and insights/d of the mind/r in regeneration/t; a humble/a heart/d and mind's/r sign/t; the central being/a shines/d with nobility/r in all directions/t; an expansive/a emotional/d elevation/r within a continuum/t.
Word Form: mymya   Value Definition: unfettered/m antagonism/z. See <g101>.
Reduction = 2/b/inhibitors.
Oral Tradition: Emims.   Notaricon: a forceful/a hand/y that troubles/m and afflicts/y the people/m.
Word Form: ntya   Value Definition: swift/m warrior/z. See <g461>.
Reduction = 2/b/established.
Oral Tradition: steadfast; permanent, perennial; strong, firm, mighty.   Notaricon: a strong/a hand/y and measured/t determination/n; the ability/a to act/y in a precise/t method/n.
Word Form: dwhcya   Value Definition: chosen/m and perfected/z. See <g326>.
Reduction = 2/b/established.
Oral Tradition: Ishod; man/cya of honor/dwh..   Notaricon: man/a who attains/y spiritual/c enlightenment/h and compassionate/w insight/d; the ability/a to acquire/y wisdom/c as revelation/h from deliberations/w of the heart/d.
Word Form: zp yla   Value Definition: cleansed/m and perfected/z; trouble/m and conflict/z. See <g128>.
Reduction = 2/b/to embrace.
Oral Tradition: Eliphaz; my/y God/la is pure/zp; my/y god/la is gold/zp.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principlea guides/l activites/y and commands/p perfection/z; power/a and ambition/l to own/control/y opens/p the grave/z.
Word Form: hyxma   Value Definition: freedom/m and strength/z. See <g146>.
Reduction = 2/b/reception.
Oral Tradition: Amaziah; strengthened/xma by Yah/hy.   Notaricon: Principle/a is reflected/m in pursuit/x of the blessings/y of life/h; concepts/a mirror/m righteousness/x and bring/y enlightenment/h; a person/a chosen/m for just/x actions/y in life/h.
Word Form: q ypa   Value Definition: water's/m penetration/z. See <g191>.
Reduction = 2/b/formation.
Oral Tradition: Aphik; river bed, channel, trough, route; stream, brook, rivulet, creek; strong, powerful.   Notaricon: a narrow/a chasm/p that accumulates/y drainage/q; the power/a manifested/p in the act/y of draining/q.
Word Form: hrca   Value Definition: seminal flow/m of the penis/z. See <g506>.
Reduction = 2/b/conception.
Oral Tradition: grove; happy; Ashera, Astarte; visa, permit; approval.   Notaricon: the emanation/a of wisdom/c instigates/r enlightenment/h; concepts/a utilized/c with mastery/r and discernment/h; to be inspired/a by a wise/c leader's/r enlightenment/h.
Word Form: ynta   Value Definition: ample/m strength/z. See <g461>.
Reduction = 2/b/established.
Oral Tradition: Ethni; munificence, bounty.   Notaricon: person/a marked/t prominently/n by his charity/y; power/a measured/t by a display/n of giving/y.
Word Form: mycab   Value Definition: confusion/m of goals/z. See <g353>.
Reduction = 2/b/superficiality.
Oral Tradition: wild grapes, poison berries.   Notaricon: flesh/form/b dimished/a by the disruptive/c touch/y of insanity/m.
Word Form: hawcn   Value Definition: refreshing/m completion/z. See <g362>.
Reduction = 2/b/pairing.
Oral Tradition: married; a married woman.   Notaricon: a woman/n strengthened/c by a bond/w that renews/a her light/life/h.
Word Form: hrp   Value Definition: invites/m regeneration/z. See <g191>.
Reduction = 2/b/formation.
Oral Tradition: to grow, produce, be fruitful; to be fertile; to bear children; to thrive; heifer, cow.   Notaricon: a fruitful/p instigator/r of life/h; a soul/p that honors/r enlightenment/h.
Word Form: hcar   Value Definition: river/m of words/z. See <g506>.
Reduction = 2/b/formation.
Oral Tradition: the head; beginning.   Notaricon: the mind/r expands/a via wisdom/c unto enlightenment/h.
Word Form: cwr   Value Definition: troubling/m wound/z. See <g506>.
Reduction = 2/b/interiorization.
Oral Tradition: hemlock; to impoverish; to make destitute, needy.   Notaricon: impoverishment/r and/w destruction/c; to sever/r the bonds/w of wisdom/c.
Word Form: hpr   Value Definition: emptied/m and wounded/z. See <g191>.
Reduction = 2/b/passivity.
Oral Tradition: Rapha; to weaken; to relax; to deflate; to anneal; dispirited; weak, feeble, slack, loose, limp, flaccid; breathed.   Notaricon: to sever/r a soul's/p illumination/h; to dominate/r a soul's/p life/h; to threaten/r a soul/p with discredit/h; a mind/r succeptible/p to discredit/h; separated/r and succeptible/p to dispersal/h.
Word Form: hrac   Value Definition: mirror/m of perfection/z. See <g506>.
Reduction = 2/b/covered.
Oral Tradition: Sherah; kinswoman.   Notaricon: the strength/c of human/a devotion/r and warmth/h.
Word Form: rwc   Value Definition: reflection/m of thrust/z. See <g506>.
Reduction = 2/b/paired.
Oral Tradition: Shur; bullock, bull; to wrestle, struggle; to saw; to gaze, look, observe, watch, see; wall, fortification; chain, cord, umbilical; tight-rope dancer; to align; Taurus   Notaricon: wrestles/c the yoke/w with the head/r; the saw/c and/w the sawyer/r; strength/c upholds/w the watcher/r; a strength/c that maintains/w the king/r.


Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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