

reddish (adamdam)
ruddy, rubicund, florid; man's/
mda blood/md.

Notaricon: an individual/a who loves/d contemplation/m and is excited/d by counsel/m; the physical vitality/a that thrills/d and confuses/m the heart/d with its clamor/m; the Life Force/a within the heart's/d river/m is the portal/d to wisdom's attributes/m.

Gematria: 89/fp: open to interchange.
Numerological Value: 35/
hl: mature aura.

Targum: relationships (8/j) bring exhilaration (17/zy) and result in the tendency (53/gn) to overwhelm an individual (71/ao) with dark passions (71/ao) and unexpected excesses (53/gn) that bring dependency (17/zy) and depression (8/j).

See reddish/mda; ynmda; red/mwda; ynwmda.

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