

Addon (adone)
lord, master, commander, ruler, possessor, proprietor, owner; Mister, sir.

Notaricon: a principled/a heart/d that embraces/w its potential/n; the impulse/a to pay attention/d and to argue/w with determination/n; an individual/a on the threshold/d between accuracy/w and plausibility/n.

Gematria: 61/as: a responsible individual.
Numerological Value: 25/
hk: evident differentiations.

Temurah: dwan/bottle.

Targum: the obligation (7/z) to achieve a balance (16/wy) between cautious empathy (52/bn) and arbitrary implementations (52/bn) of actions that are judgmental (16/wy) and harmful (7/z).

See foundation/nda; Lord/ynda.

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