Gematria 61: as


Word Form: lyjyba   Value Definition: support/s for expansion/a. See <n43>.
Oral Tradition: Abihail; my/y father/ba is power/lyj.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b provides/y stamina/j for acquisition/y of guidance/l; a concept/a that develops/b into activities/y and work/j that bring/y change/l.
Word Form: ymwda   Value Definition: support/s for expansion/a. See <n34>.
Oral Tradition: Edom, Edomites.   Notaricon: primary/a gateway/d that administers/w a release/m for acquisitions/y; the projected/a doorway/d unto the balancing/w of reflections/m and actions/y; life force/a base/d that nurtures/w the anointed/m manifestation/y.
Word Form: nwda   Value Definition: stabilization/s force/a. See <n25>.
Oral Tradition: Addon; lord, master, commander, ruler, possessor, proprietor, owner; Mister, sir.   Notaricon: a principled/a heart/d embraces/w its potential/n; a powerful force/a for security/d administers/w with determination/n.
Word Form: nbja   Value Definition: supportive/s champion/a. See <n25>.
Oral Tradition: Ahban; a friend/ja that understands/nyb; a brother/ja and son/nb.   Notaricon: a focused/a relationship/j develops/b potential/n; the power/a of exchanges/j built/b upon determination/n.
Word Form: n ya   Value Definition: overextension/s of concepts/a. See <n25>.
Oral Tradition: nothing; naught; not, no, else; there is not, there is no.   Notaricon: focus/a brings/y reversal/n; introspection/a yields/y denial/n.
Word Form: yna   Value Definition: alert/s ego/a. See <n25>.
Oral Tradition: me; I, myself, mine; we; ship, fleet, navy; mourning.   Notaricon: the ego/a prominently/n presented/y; a restricted area/a for multidirectional/n access/y; contrition/a displayed/n with feeling/y.
Word Form: dwan   Value Definition: stabilization/s principle/a. See <n25>.
Oral Tradition: bottle; leather bag; goat skin, water skin.   Notaricon: a device/n based/a on a funneled/w opening/d.



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