ram (ayille, ehyal, ahyal) hart, roebuck; a chief, lord, noble; maturity; power, might, potency; oak, post, tree; lintel. Notaricon: force/a that is applied/y as a goad/l; an individual/a who imposes/y authority/l; the power/a that accrues/y with maturity/l; the principles/a that manifest/y in an elder/l; a growth/a that yields/y the rod/l; force/a is distributed/y via deflection/l. Gematria, 41/am: rippling power. Numerological Value, 23/gk: antlers approach. Reduction Value, 5/h: emphatic. Temurah, yla/unless. See hind/hlya; Eloth/twlya; oak/nlya. |