Gematria 41: am


Word Form: hlha   Value Definition: anointed/m concepts/a. See <n23>.
Oral Tradition: Aholah; her/h tent/lha.   Notaricon: foundational principles/a enlightened/h the roles/l in life/h; the emanation/a of Light/h for guidance/l unto enlightenment/h; the conceptual/a brilliance/h of a teacher/l that's enlightened/h.
Word Form: blja   Value Definition: full/m expansion/a. See <n23>.
Oral Tradition: Ahlab; companion/ja of the heart/bl; I shall become/a fat/choice/blj.   Notaricon: a close/a relationship/j that influences/l consciousness/b; the ability/a to stretch/enhance/j and change/l the body/awareness/b.
Word Form: lya   Value Definition: the flow/m of principle/a. See <n23>.
Oral Tradition: ram, lord; hart, roebuck; a chief, noble; maturity; power, might, potency; oak, post, tree; lintel.   Notaricon: power/a to give/y direction/instruction/l; concepts/a presented/y with authority/l; principle/a manifests/y an elder/l.
Word Form: yla   Value Definition: drifting/m concepts/a. See <n23>.
Oral Tradition: unless; perhaps, maybe.   Notaricon: principle/a determines/l actions/y; concepts/a guide/l activities/y.
Word Form: ma   Value Definition: the multiplication/m of humanity/a. See <n14>.
Oral Tradition: mother; matriarch, ancestress; womb; city, metropolis; benefactress; people; matrix, stereotype.   Notaricon: the source/a of multitudes/m; the seed's/a sea/m; an explosion/a of people/m; principle/a reflection/m.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
