Numerology Value 43: gm


Word Form: lyjyba    Value Definition: reflective/m processes/g. See <g61>.
Reduction =
7/z/inward thrust.
Oral Tradition: Abihail; my/y father/ba is power/lyj.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a within/b provides/y stamina/j for acquisition/y of guidance/l; a concept/a that develops/b into activities/y and work/j that bring/y change/l.
Word Form: nrja   Value Definition: loosening/m process/g. See <g259>.
Reduction = 9/f/breaking apart.
Oral Tradition: last; final, ultimate, latter; following, posterior.   Notaricon: a narrowing/closing/a window/j that instigates/r decline/n.
Word Form: nwlya    Value Definition: reflective/m processes/g. See <g97>.
Reduction = 7/z/warrior.
Oral Tradition: Elon, Aijalon, Ajalon; oak grove.   Notaricon: strength/a of the hand/y to direct/l all received/w according to its potential/n; the life force/a given/y direction/l and balance/w in the Son of Man/n; an expansive/a manifestation/y whose turns and bendings/l are balanced/w to perfection/n.
Word Form: ytya   Value Definition: uncategorical/m facilitation/g. See <g421>.
Reduction = 7/z/thrust.
Oral Tradition: there is; art thou, can, do ye, have, it be, there are.   Notaricon: a strong/a hand/y marks/underscores/t an action/y.
Word Form: ynwla   Value Definition: unfettered/m facilitator/g. See <g97>.
Reduction = 7/z/warrior.
Oral Tradition: Elonites.   Notaricon: the ability/a to influence/l judgment/w is implemented/n through actions/y.
Word Form: udyla   Value Definition: cleansing/m process/g. See <g115>.
Reduction = 7/z/perfection.
Oral Tradition: Aliada; God/la knows/udy.   Notaricon: the Life Force/a guides/l activities/y with insight/d and understanding/u.
Word Form: cyka   Value Definition: message/m conduit/g. See <g331>.
Reduction = 7/z/words.
Oral Tradition: Achish; my/y brother/ja is wise/c.   Notaricon: a friend/a with conspicuous/k gifts/y of wisdom/c; a personal/a emmisary/k who provides/y strength/c.
Word Form: aq yla   Value Definition: cleansing/m process/g. See <g142>.
Reduction = 7/z/instrument.
Oral Tradition: Elika; my/y God/la vomits/rejects/aq.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a steers/l actions/y via a propulsive/q explosion/a.
Word Form: wnjna   Value Definition: preferential/m inclination/g. See <g115>.
Reduction = 7/z/strength.
Oral Tradition: we, ourselves, us.   Notaricon: self-awareness/a acknowledges/n affinity/j in an exchange/n that bonds/w; to identify/acknowledge/a a prominent/n relationship/j with a display/n of unity/w.
Word Form: pysa   Value Definition: a loosening/m process/g. See <g151>.
Reduction = 7/z/the blade.
Oral Tradition: harvest; a gathering, ingathering.   Notaricon: collection/a and sheltering/s of accumulated/y fruit/p.
Word Form: hkwra   Value Definition: cleansing/m process/g. See <g232>.
Reduction = 7/z/purification.
Oral Tradition: healing; cure; recuperation, recovery; convalescence.   Notaricon: a principled/a authority/r evaluates/w disorderly/k affiliations/h; an expanding/a mind/r that champions/w the proliferation/k of life/h; to focus/a on thoughts/r that unify/w in celebration/k of life/h.
Word Form: nwta   Value Definition: troubled/m process/g. See <g421>.
Reduction = 7/z/antagonism.
Oral Tradition: she-ass.   Notaricon: physical force/a resistant/t to the yoke/w of son of man/n.
Word Form: rta    Value Definition: reflective/m process/g. See <g601>.
Reduction = 7/z/penetration.
Oral Tradition: place, site, location; to localize; to etherialize.   Notaricon: an area/a measured/t by the mind/r.
Word Form: hrhm   Value Definition: hurried/m process/g. See <g250>.
Reduction = 7/z/completion.
Oral Tradition: soon; quickly, hastily, speedily, shortly.   Notaricon: the swiftness/m and emphasis/h signaled/r by light/h.
Word Form: yrm   Value Definition: unrestricted/m excess/g. See <g250>.
Reduction = 7/z/opposition.
Oral Tradition: disobedience; rebelliousness, insubordination; insurgence, mutiny.   Notaricon: wild/m thoughts/r or actions/y; the unfettered/m mind/r manifests its power/y.
Word Form: hrap   Value Definition: wild/m sprout/g. See <g286>.
Reduction = 7/z/stands out.
Oral Tradition: branch; bough, foliage.   Notaricon: a manifestation/p of the seed/a that juts out/r in isolation/h.
Word Form: harp   Value Definition: free/m sprout/g. See <g286>.
Reduction = 7/z/stands out.
Oral Tradition: branch; bough, foliage.   Notaricon: a fruitful/p appendage/r that grows/a towards the light/h.
Word Form: myr   Value Definition: reckless/m inclination/g. See <g250>.
Reduction = 7/z/thrust.
Oral Tradition: bull; (biblical) buffalo, wild bull, unicorn.   Notaricon: the beauty/threat/r of manifested power/y in the wilderness/m.
Word Form: hapr   Value Definition: purging/m process/g. See <g286>.
Reduction = 7/z/healing.
Oral Tradition: medicine; balm.   Notaricon: removes/r a soul's/p disorder/a instantaneously/h; ingredient/r that allows/p an explosive/a catharsis/h.
Word Form: tc   Value Definition: drawn out of/m the birth canal/g. See <g700>.
Reduction = 7/z/perfected.
Oral Tradition: Seth; Sheth; to put, place; basis, foundation; buttox, rump, backside.   Notaricon: applied/c to change/t; backside/c feature/t; wisdom/c alters/t.



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