Gematria 151: anq


Word Form: muyla   Value Definition: protecting/q the potential/n of seed/a. See <n55>.
Oral Tradition: Eliam; my/y God/la is among the people/nation/mu.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l and actively/y surrounds/u the people/m.
Word Form: lp yla   Value Definition: purification/q by exchange/n of concepts/a. See <n52>.
Oral Tradition: Eliphal; my/y God/la is expected/llp; my/y mighty/la prayer/llp; my/y God/la decides/llp.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a leads/l by issuing/y pronouncements/p that instruct/l.
Word Form: qna   Value Definition: to mask/q a display/n of anger/a. See <n34>.
Oral Tradition: to maon, sigh, cry, moan.   Notaricon: the ego's/a display/n of darkness/q.
Word Form: pysa   Value Definition: to protect/q the potential/n of seed/a. See <n43>.
Oral Tradition: harvest; a gathering, ingathering.   Notaricon: collection/a and sheltering/s of accumulated/y fruit/p.
Word Form: upa   Value Definition: hidden/q, withdrawn/n, collapsed/a. See <n34>.
Oral Tradition: nothingness; nothing, naught.   Notaricon: concept/a at the edge/p of comprehension/u.
Word Form: anq   Value Definition: threat/q to potential/n self-awareness/a. See <n34>.
Oral Tradition: to envy; to be jealous, zealous; to excite jelousy; to suspect infidelity; to warn one's wife; zealot, fanatic; jealous, obsessed, impassioned.   Notaricon: darkness/q predominates/n concepts/a; a draining/q depletion/n of ego/a; consecrated/q determination/n and focus/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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