Gematria 191: ax q


Word Form: munla   Value Definition: domain/q of uplifting/x concepts/a. See <n56>.
Oral Tradition: Elnaam; God's/la kindness/mun; God/la is delightful/agreeable/mum.   Notaricon: the Life Force's/Principle's/a instruction/l to the sons of man/n is overwhelmingly/u refreshing/m.
Word Form: mypsa   Value Definition: protects/q and organizes/x the harvest/a. See <n56>.
Oral Tradition: Asuppim; gatherers; merchants, warehousers.   Notaricon: collects/a and shelters/s the fruit/p gathered/y by the people/m.
Word Form: q ypa   Value Definition: drainage/q issues forth/x with power/a. See <n47>.
Oral Tradition: Aphik; river bed, channel, trough, route; stream, brook, rivulet, creek; strong, powerful.   Notaricon: a narrow/a chasm/p that accumulates/y drainage/q; the power/a manifested/p in the act/y of draining/q.
Word Form: hrp   Value Definition: dedicated/q to transformation/x and growth/a. See <n47>.
Oral Tradition: to grow, produce, be fruitful; to be fertile; to bear children; to thrive; heifer, cow.   Notaricon: a fruitful/p instigator/r of life/h; a soul/p that honors/r enlightenment/h.
Word Form: hpr   Value Definition: drained/q of transforming/x vitality/a. See <n47>.
Oral Tradition: Rapha; to weaken; to relax; to deflate; to anneal; dispirited; weak, feeble, slack, loose, limp, flaccid; breathed.   Notaricon: to sever/r a soul's/p illumination/h; to dominate/r a soul's/p life/h; to threaten/r a soul/p with discredit/h; a mind/r succeptible/p to discredit/h; separated/r and succeptible/p to dispersal/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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